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It's a summer annual that produces a conspicuous prickly 'cocklebur' and ranges from 1/2 to 6 1/2 feet in height. Common cocklebur is found throughout the United States and is primarily a weed of agronomic and horticultural crops, nurseries, and occasionally pastures.

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Q: Does a cocklebur come from trees?
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How does a cocklebur travel?

It falls to the ground and the wind blows it.

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yes grapefruits come from trees.

What is the Taxonomy for Cocklebur?

Genus: Xanthium (there are a variety of species) of the family Asteraceae, which are angiosperms.

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trees it comes from trees

Do babies come from trees?

no babies do not come from trees.(XD) they come from humans. females to be exact. that is all you need to know.

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If cocklebur fruits didn't have hooks, they would not be able to attach to passing animals or humans for seed dispersal. This would limit their ability to spread to new areas and could impact their overall population distribution and genetic diversity.

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