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Q: Does African tulip have wing like structures?
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Why African tulip is dispersed by splitting?

It is dispersed through splitting. However, the seeds can go further than other splitting plants as it has wing-like structure which allow itself to be carried away by the wind. =)

What Seed Disperse By Wind?

Seeds of plants like dandelions, maple trees, and cottonwood trees are dispersed by wind. These seeds are lightweight with structures like wings or fluffy fibers that allow them to be carried by the wind to new locations for germination and growth.

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Shorea is dispersed by wind because of it's wing-like structures

What characteristics of the seed help in the dispersal of the Asian climbing gourd?

It is dispersed by wind because it has wing-like structures.

How many countries are there in the African wing?


What has the author Alex Grzedzielski written?

Alex Grzedzielski has written: 'Theory of multi-spar and multi-rib wing structures' 'Theory of multi-spar and multi-rib wing structures'

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Western or African Wing

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Buck, Wing and Jig

What is the average wing velocity of a swallow?

It depends. Is it African or European?

Is it wind like structure or wing like structure?

Wing like structure

The wing of a bat and the foreleg of an alligator are?

Homologous structures are those that have similar looks based upon a common ancestry. THE ANSWER IS HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURES!!! On the other hand, analogous structures are structures that have the same function. Bats fly, but alligators walk.

Do any other birds have similar wing structures to Kestrels?

Yes, other birds of prey like falcons and hawks have similar wing structures to kestrels. They have long, pointed wings for efficient flight and hunting. Other bird species such as swifts and swallows also have similar pointed wings for fast and agile flight.