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Yes they have to be fast runnners so they have a chance at running from the lions tigers or any other preditors

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9y ago

They do all of those, though running is the same as galloping when talking about zebras.

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Q: Do zebras walk run or gallop?
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What do you call on zebras run?

gallop the same as horses

Can zebras skip?

no but they can gallop which is kind of skipping.......

What do zebras do?

There are a few things that zebras will do in their day including sleep. Zebras will also graze and drink water.

How do dingoes walk?

they can walk, trot or gallop

What is the opposite of gallop?

A Walk.

Is gallop faster than trot?

walking is not faster than cantering , cantering is only 3 beats but walk is four , but it also depends on your everyday horse as well they might have a faster walk , but most normal horses's canters are faster

What are the different gaits of a horses?

all horses have 4 natural gaits- walk, trot, canter, and gallop- each a different speed respectively. other "gaited" horses, such as paso fino and Tennessee walkers, have other gaits custom to their breeds. some include the rack, running walk, and the gait.

What do you call a horse's run?

The slowest is a walk, then a trot, canter, and the fastest is a gallop. Gaited horses have other gaits, but normally galloping is fastest.

Of a skip walk canter and trot which is not a gait in horses?

a skip. the horses main gaits are walk, trot, canter, and gallop for English horses, but walk, job, lope, and gallop for western

What is the gait of a cow?

A cow will walk, trot, or gallop.

What is a horse's fastest pace?

The primary gaits are walk, trot, canter, gallop and run. Some people use the term gallop and run interchangably. Traditionally, canter is a slower 3 beat gait and gallop or (hand gallop) is the faster version of a canter and still 3 beats. In racing the fastest gait is 4 beats and the horse is said to be running.

How many gates does a horse have?

It is the speeds of a horse example; walk, trot, canter/lope, gallop and is spelled gait.