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No, Zebras live in the Arctic. they hunt seals and penguins for lunch, and jump from glacier to glacier in search for food and shelter.

They are a primally anti-social species, fighting and killing each other whenever they meet on the long plains of ice.

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10y ago

No, zebras do not live in forests. They are generally found in savannas and areas with low brush on the ground.

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Do zebras live in forest?

Zebras live mainly on the Savannah and grassslands.

Where exactly do zebras live?

zebras live in africa

Where does zebras live tundra or grassland?

zebras live in grasslands

Do zebras live in savanna?

Yes zebras do live in savannas because zebras live in grasslands and a savannas are a type of grasslands

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No. Jaguars are not found in Africa where zebras live and there are no zebras in the Americas, where jaguars live.

Do zebras live in Australia?

no zebras do not live in Australia but if you visit a zoo you will probably see one hope this helped

Where do plains zebras live?

Plains zebras live in eastern Africa.

What biome do zebras live in?

Zebras live in the grassland but mostly in the plains

What is a zebras climate?

zebras mainly live in the African safari's and other desert like places.

What Country do Mountain Zebras live in?

Mountain zebras live in Africa savanna.

What noun is the subject in the following sentence the zebras live in a safe habitat at the zoo?

"Zebras" are the subject and "live" is the predicate.

Do zebras live in Wyoming?

No, there are no zebras in Wyoming. (Zebras are native to the African continent.)