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It depends on where they are. If they are in a forest, then no. If they are in the park, then some of them might be not to block up the paths. If they are along a road, then yes definitely, because vehicles need to pass through easily. You can sometimes see trees cut in an arc shape, so that double-decker buses can pass. If it is in your garden, then it is up to you. If you don't it will continue to grow where it wants to, but if you want to keep it in a particular position or size then I would trim it a bit. Hope this helped.

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Q: Do trees need to be managed?
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What type of trees grow in the black forest?

grass, trees, moss, and ants

Can forests be managed?

Many forests throughout the world are managed. Trees are replaced when they are felled, undergrowth is thinned and dead/diseased wood is removed.

Are trees nonrenewable?

Trees are a renewable resource that needs to be managed for it to be sustainable. Their are many responsible people and companies that plant more trees than they cut down. As long as this continues, trees will be a renewable resource.

Does my buisness require a managed server?

Most companies do not need a managed server. If you need a server a virtual one will uit your needs.

Can deforestation be sustainably managed?

To manage deforestation sustainably it would need to be fair to as many different groups of people possible. Every second 1 and a half trees are cut down so maybe they could slow down a bit and cut down less trees.

What is a managed forest?

A managed forest is a forest area that is actively controlled and cared for by humans to achieve specific objectives such as sustainable timber production, biodiversity conservation, or ecosystem services. This involves practices like controlled logging, tree planting, and habitat restoration to maintain the health and productivity of the forest.

Do palm trees need the sun?

Yes. All trees need sunlight !

Do I need a managed service provider?

Managed service providers are used to support and maintain a company's infrastructure. Managed service providers are usually outsourced and therefore may not do what is best for the company.

Why do you have trees?

well the trees have oxygen in them and we need oxygen to breath.

Where do no trees grow?

in a place were they don't need trees to breath

Why do you need trees to live?

You need trees to live because they are the biggest plant to give oxygen.And you all need oxygen to breathe, to live.

How do trees help organisms survive?

reason why organism need trees