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Leaves of most trees do not actually close, but some turn "sideways" when it is about to rain.

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Q: Do the leaves of rain tree close when it is about to rain?
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What kind of weather can you expect when tree leaves turn upside down in a fresh breeze?

Rain clouds are low, close to the ground, therefore creating high pressure. The air bounces up from the ground and turns the leaves. Take note that it is the leaves towards the bottom of the tree. When the leaves turn, rain is moving in. A tree cannot automatically turn its leaves over. Hope this helps you.

Does a rain tree closes its leaves when sun sets?

Yes it does

What two similar between rain tree and the morning glory?

It have leaves

Does rain tree produce fruit?

Yes, the rain tree, also known as the Samanea saman tree, does produce fruit. Its fruit is a pod that contains seeds and is often consumed by animals.

Is teak an evergreen tree?

Teak, when growing in rain forest conditions will hold it's leaves throughout the year, but will drop it's leaves if there is a dry it is technically a deciduous tree.

what does the tree kangaroo eat?

The tree kangaroo eats many things such as fruits, tree blossoms, tree bark, ferns, moss, or the juicy leaves they find in the rain forests they inhabit.

What happens when raindrops fall on a tree leaves?

Raindrops that fall on tree leaves provide hydration to the tree, promoting its growth and health. The leaves also act as a natural barrier, directing the rainwater down the tree's branches and trunk to the roots, where it can be absorbed by the soil. Additionally, raindrops can help wash away dust and pollutants from the leaves, improving the tree's ability to photosynthesize.

Can koalas hide?

When a koala is in a tree, close to the trunk or in a deep covering of leaves, they can be difficult to see.

A tree or shrub native to the Philippines which the leaves close at night and the flowers come out at night the flowers are a purple spray and the leaves are fern like?

phillipines purple leaves shrub

What does a tree kangraroo eat?

fruit, flowers in trees, leaves and bark and also ferns and moss. they live in the rain forest

Where is the habitat of the green tree frog?

they can usually be found in tall trees or plants that are close to rivers or ponds. A good example of this is an ecosystem especially a rain forest

Do caterpillars come out in the rain?

Yes they do,They prefer leaves when they are wet and moist.