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Needles, Up in the sunlit crown of redwood The needles grow short and narrow resembling the needles of cedar or juniper. They first make there appearance by coming out at the upper branches. Only VERY high up there are some leaves. The scale like leaves are more suited to the hotter and dryer conditions in the forest canopy.

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Q: Do redwoods have leaves or needles?
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Are the needles pine trees its actually its leaves?

Yes - the 'needles' of pine trees are their actual leaves.

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No they have needles...they are not classified as leaves.

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The "needles" on a pine tree or other conifer are the plant's leaves, where photosynthesis takes place. The needles are long and slender because of the environment of the trees. Needles lose less water and heat than typical leaves.

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No, pine trees do not have leaves. They have pine needles that have a waxy coat on them. People refer to them as pine leaves sometimes, but that isn't what they are.

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