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All trees with chlorophyll (green pigment) produce oxygen (o2) through photosynthesis.

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What is the source of the oxygen ?

trees. Trees produce oxygen and in return we give them Co2 (carbon dioxide).

How much CO2 do trees produce at night?

no, not at all. albeit amount of released oxygen can reach lower or even lowest but can't produce CO2.

What is the source of free oxygen?

trees. Trees produce oxygen and in return we give them Co2 (carbon dioxide).

How do trees produce sugar and what happens to the co2?

Trees produce sugar through photosynthesis, which involves capturing sunlight and converting carbon dioxide (CO2) and water into glucose. During this process, the CO2 is absorbed from the atmosphere and incorporated into the tree's structure.

Is walking at night bad because trees produce carbon dioxide?

Trees and other plants produce oxygen, not CO2. And walking at night is completely irrelevant in any case.

How do trees stabilize climate?

In theory, (if you want to go with this specific interpretation) climate change is caused by greenhouse gasses like CO2. Trees use CO2 for respiration. They are taking out the gasses we produce, stabilizing the climate.

How trees are your best friends?

Trees use CO2 and produce O2, allowing people to breathe.

What can be done to stop CO2 getting into the air?

the first and fore most is to stop cutting trees, as when we give out carbon dioxide {CO2} the trees take co2. but when trees will not be there , co2 will be in the air.

How does the destruction of the Amazon affect global warming?

trees convert CO2 to O2. CO2 is the cause of the warming The less trees there are to convert CO2, the more CO2 there will be

Which gas is mostly produce during respiration?

Animals produce co2 and plants produce o2 and co2

How is cutting down trees bad?

Trees hold Co2 and when they are cut down, the Co2 is released, increasing global warming.

How many acres of trees each year are needed to off set the 60 billions tons of co2 produced each year?

It is estimated that about 4.3 billion acres of trees would need to be planted each year to offset the 60 billion tons of CO2 produced annually. This is a rough estimate and several factors can impact the actual number of acres needed, such as the type of trees planted, their growth rate, and environmental conditions.