Exogenous trees grow in width by forming a new layer of wood under the bark. Endogenous trees grow by forming new fibres within the trunk interspersed with the old fibres.
Botany deals with identifying plants and how to best grow plants and get rid of unwanted plants. It would include composition of plants such as which plants bloom on old wood and which grow on new wood. It would include grafting plants and pruning plants to make them more pleasing and healthy.
that depends on whether you're like super horny like all the time and also you have to eat like lots of figs like every day because it's like a known fact that figs like increase penis size
Yes, cats do grow new whiskers when their old ones fall out. Whiskers are specialized hairs that serve as sensory organs for cats, helping them navigate their surroundings. When a whisker falls out, a new one will eventually grow in its place.
In Hebrew and Old English, Bethany (and all spelling variations) means 'House of Figs'.
So they get a new better skin than the old one
Dunedin, New Zealand until he was seven years old.
Australian TV actor John Wood is 70 years old (born July 14, 1946).English Shakespearean actor John Wood was 81 years old when he died on August 6, 2011 (born July 5, 1930).Lionel John Wood, New Zealand diplomat and educator, was born in 1944.
No. Hermit crabs grow from eggs, in their adult phase they seek out abandoned shells to occupy, and scavenge new ones as they outgrow their old shells. Typically they use the old shells from sea snails, occasionally bivalve shells, and sometimes pieces of hollow rock or wood.
Because of a process called Ecdysis (also known as moulting) arthropods are able to grow bigger. In ecdysis old exoskeleton is shed and new one (slightly bigger) covers the body.