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Yes, daffodils can grow very well in Miracle Grow. The Daffodils that are grown in Miracle Grow are much larger than others.

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Q: Do daffodils grow well in Miracle Grow?
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Does miracle grow make migget grow?

Well, No

Would chrysanthemums grow better in sand clay or miracle grow soil?

Chrysanthemums need well drained soil. So clay is not good. Sand or Miracle Grow as long as the Miracle Grow does not retain water.

Can daffodils grow in hot places?

Well it grew up my nose and that's warm

Are Daffodils wild?

Many of the old varieties of daffodils do grow wild along the roadsides, in meadows and around old homes that may be falling down or gone, but the daffodils return each spring. There are some new varieties that do need a bit of looking after, but in general daffodils do well without tending from humans.

Which soil work best?

Miracle grow works well for indoor and outdoor plants. However, it's a good idea to add equal part per lite and miracle grow for indoor plants. The worst soil would be clay and sand that soil doesn't have growing goods that plants need to grow

Would sandy soil help grow daffodils better?

Soil that retains water and gives daffodils "wet feet" will cause bulb rot and the plants/bulbs will die. Sandy soil is well drained and slightly acidic and that is a favorite of daffodils. Sandy soil will also make for slightly taller daffodils, which are preferred if you like cut flowers.

What must plants have to grow well?

sunlight water (moist soil) food (nitrogen and such) or miracle gro no weeds bug free

Does Tennessee grow lilies?

Yes you can grow Asiatic lilies in Tennessee. Daylilies grow well too.

Why do flowers grow well?

they grow to help our plant

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well you should grow more plants so we will grow.

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well they grow ,just not healthy or for long

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