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if you add a drop of bleach to the water in which you place freshly cut flowers along with a bit of sugar they will last longer as the bleach will kill the bacteria in the water and the sugar sustain the flower for a bit.

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16y ago
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15y ago

* cut flowers need to be clean where they are cut, so if you use bleach they will be clean thus leading to a nice long life for your flowers. * the bleach kills the bacteria in the water and on the cut flower, these bacteria promote the rotting of the cut flowers and their removal slows down the decomposing process.

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12y ago


Freshly cut flowers will stay fresh longer if you add 1/4 teaspoon bleach per quart (1 liter) of vase water. Another popular recipe calls for 3 drops bleach and 1 teaspoon sugar in 1 quart (1 liter) water. This will also keep the water from getting cloudy and inhibit the growth of bacteria.

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16y ago

Yes and no. Chlorine bleach indirectly prolongs the life by preventing bacteria from developing in the water. It's the bacteria that shortens the life of the cut flower.

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15y ago

a drop of it will kill bacteria in the water in the vase prolonging its postharvest life span. add a bit of sugar to feed it and it will last a little longer.

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Q: What is the effect of bleach on a cut flower?
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How much bleach is healthy for a flower?

none. bleach will damage living flowers. if you add a teaspoon to a vase with cut flowers it will kill the bacteria in the water there by prolonking cut flowers shelf life

Could Clorox grow a flower?

Clorox bleach is used to keep cut flowers fresh. Some gardeners use it on seeds to prevent plant viruses.

How does sugar effect cut flowers?

The concentration of sugar would matter significantly. If you place the flower in a hypertonic solution of sugar then the flower is going to dehydrate faster than with tap water. If you insert the flower tips in a near isotonic solution of sugar then the plant may take that up and use it for energy. I imagine that bacteria and fungi present in the air would also proliferate in the sugar water solution and may cause harm to the flower. Some individuals use a mild bleach solution in the water for cut flowers to curb bacterial/fungal growth.

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No as long as the coloring agent is not toxic but it can affect the color of a flower that has been cut.

What should you use to kill bacteria in a flower container?

Bleach will kill bacteria in a flower container.

How many days the effect of bleach lasts?

bleach stay in your system

How much bleach should you put in a cut flower vase?

To keep your flowers fresh put in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or bottled "Real Lemon," 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 1/4 teaspoon of bleach in warm water. Add another 1/4 teaspoon of bleach to the vase every 4 days. :)

How does bleach affect the growth of plants and flowers?

Bleach kills the flower or plant you pour it on because it is so strong. IT EF

Would should be use to kill bacteria in flower containers?


Does hot water lower the sterilization effect of bleach?

No, hot water does not lower the sterilization effect of bleach. In fact, using hot water can help to enhance the effectiveness of bleach in killing germs and bacteria. It is important to follow proper dilution ratios and contact time recommendations when using bleach as a disinfectant.

Can you use bleach and water to clean a cut on my dog her paw?

No! Never use bleach on an animal! Clean the cut with soap and water. If it is bad, take her to the vet.

How does bleach effect hair?

It turns it white.