I guess yes, most do fly towards all flowers except for the bees who's name escapes right now, who do not fly at all.
nectar (Bees gather nectar from flowers and turn it into honey.)
The sweet nectar from the flowers attracted butterflies to the garden.
Bees get their nectar from flowers. Flowers produce nectar to attract animals to pollinate them.
New evidence shows that bees see the world in a higher-frequency prism of light than humans & the flowers seem to "light up" as if under a black light for them. If you could see what they see, you would understand their excitability around the flowers & their ability to move directly toward the flowers from a great distance.
The flowers carry nectar, so when the bees collect the nectar they eat it. That helps produce the honey. The nectar in the flowers is the bees food source. Without flowers, the bees would all die out.
Yes, bees collect nectar from flowers of the plants
While collecting nectar from inside the flower they collect pollen on their bodies and deposit in other flowers.
The worker bees go out to collect pollen and nectar which they bring back to the Hive for food and to make honey. Honey bees eat honey and pollen as their primary food, but they also gather liquids and juices from plant and fruit exudates. When honey bees come across insects that secrete honeydew, they gather the liquid and store it as honey. When pollen, nectar, or honeydew aren't available, honey bees can collect and store plant spores and dusty animal feed as well.
To make honey.
Bees collect nectar from flowers, which is a sugary liquid produced by plants. They use this nectar as a food source for themselves and their hive.
Bees make honey using nectar from flowers