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Briarlight tried to save Longtail from the tree killing him, but she failed and Longtail died. Briarlight's back legs are paralyzed, yet she manages to drag herself around camp. Vickie didn't want to have Briarlight die after the accident because one of her friends was paralyzed at the time.

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Q: Did the fallen tree kill briarlight and longtail?
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Dovepaw senses a tree is falling into the clearing. Thunderclan evacuates the camp, but Mousefur complains of leaving a plump mouse behind in the elder's den. She refuses to go on without it, making a big fuss. Longtail, wanting her to just leave camp, turns back to fetch it. Briarpaw (Who becomes Briarlight soon after) dashes after him, trying to stop him. They made it into the den just as the tree toppled, crushing the bush serving as the elder's den. Longtail is killed by the fallen tree, and the back half of Briarpaw (light)'s body is underneath the tree. Briarpaw's happy life soon turns gray, as the hopes of recovery are crushed by the truth: She probabaly will never recover. Yet she does recover is the book "The last hope" (I think) She is in Great condition and can drag around her backlegs and helps Jayfeather around the Med den.

Who does biarpaw?

are you talking about Warriors books? yeah. and... it's briaRpaw. now briarlight! it's the daughter of graystripe and millie. when a tree fell in thunderclan, it hurt her legs & she can never walk again, but she is still alive. it also killed longtail, an elder who retired early due to failing eyesight.

Who is Longtail from warriors?

Longtail is a character from the Warriors book series by Erin Hunter. He is a sleek dark brown tabby tom cat known for his sharp tongue and strong loyalty to ThunderClan. Longtail eventually loses his sight in battle but continues to serve his clan as a wise elder.

Is it true that there was a whisper's at night?

technically, yes, because a tree falls in the camp, killing Longtail and crippling Briarpaw/light

Who is briarkit?

Briarkit is a dark brown she-cat. She is the daughter of Graystripe and Millie. She has a broken spine from when a tree fell on top of her. her warrior name is Briarlight.

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Who is Longtail from the Warriors series?

Longtail is a pale tabby tom with dark black stripes,he retired early due to failing sightHe died getting a mouse for Mousefur in Fading Echoes, crushed by the falling tree. (second book in Omen of the Stars)

Who does briarlight like?

Briarlight is a character in the Warriors book series and she does not have a romantic interest in any other character. She is focused on her duties and overcoming the challenges she faces due to her disabilities.

Is fallen a pronoun?

No, the word 'fallen' is the past participle of the verbto fall (falls, falling, fallen, fell). The past participle of the verb is also an adjective (a fallen tree, the fallen leaves).

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