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Q: Celebrity tomatoes -- determinate or indeterminate?
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Is Jet Star tomato determinate or indeterminate?

Officially, jet star tomatoes are indeterminate. This means they will continue to produce tomatoes throughout the season until disease or weather kill them.

What does a bush cucumber plant look like?

Plants referred to as "bush" are determinate - they grow to a specific height. Climbing varieties are indeterminate; they continue growing taller or longer throughout the season. Tomatoes and beans have many determinate and indeterminate varieties. "Bush beans" are determinate and "pole beans" are indeterminate. Depending on garden space and growing conditions, one or the other type may be a better choice. A bush cucumber may be suitable for growing in a large container.

Is continuous beam an determinate or indeterminate?

If a continuous beam rests on 3 or more supports it is indeterminate

If an inmate has an indeterminate sentence followed by a consecutive determinate sentence and the two are aggregated is he serving an indeterminate or a determinate sentence?

If an inmate has an indeterminate sentence followed by a consecutive determinate sentence, the aggregate sentence would be considered a determinate sentence. This is because the determinate portion of the sentence imposes a fixed term of imprisonment, while the indeterminate portion establishes the minimum amount of time that must be served before the inmate becomes eligible for parole.

Is the hair of the axilla considered determinate or indeterminate?

Determinate. Determinate hair grows to a specific length and then stops. Determinate hair is found in many places in the body, including the axilla (armpits), groin, eyelashes, and eyebrows. On the other hand, indeterminate hair continues to grow without regard to length. It is found on the scalp and in beard hair in men.

Can tomato plant bear fruits twice?

Tomato plants are classified as determinate or indeterminate. Determinate plants will bear their fruit once at relatively the same time. Indeterminate will grow fruits throughout the growing season.

What is the difference between indeterminate and determinate sentencing in law?

Indeterminate sentencing allows for a range of possible release dates, determined by a parole board based on the individual's behavior while in prison. Determinate sentencing mandates a fixed term of imprisonment without the possibility of parole or early release. Determinate sentencing provides more certainty in terms of the length of incarceration, while indeterminate sentencing allows for flexibility based on the inmate's conduct.

Distinguish between determinate error and indeterminate error?

Indeterminate errors are random errors that randomly fluctuate and cannot be eliminated. Determinate errors

How may liquids be described in terms of shapes and volume?

A solid has a constant volume and a determinate shape.A liquid has a constant volume but an indeterminate shape.A gas has an indeterminate volume and an indeterminate shape.liquids have a constant volume at a constant temperature, and take the shape of their container.

How may liquids described in term of shape and volume?

A solid has a constant volume and a determinate shape.A liquid has a constant volume but an indeterminate shape.A gas has an indeterminate volume and an indeterminate shape.liquids have a constant volume at a constant temperature, and take the shape of their container.

How big does a tomato grow?

20" tall is what I've read. I just bought some and put them in pots on the deck. I'm hoping they will only be 20" tall. to answer this for you, i have one plant in my garden , it is about 3 feet around and 25 to 30 inches high and going to yield about 40 to 50 tomatoes

What is the difference between software that is determinate and software that is indeterminate?

<1>. Software that is determinte: the order and timing of its inputs, processing, and outputs is predictable. <2>. Software that is indeterminate: the order and timing of its input, processing, and outputs is not predictable in advance.