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Yes. Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is also known as Yuca, Manioc and by other names. from the starchy root we make Tapioca you cannot propagate cassava by planting the root, unlike a potato it lacks 'eyes' that would produce new shoots all you need are a number of 20-30cm long sticks, cut or broken from a healthy plant leave them in the shade to heal a week or so, then plant ins a well drained mix - usually a sandy mix using riversand and coir once they are growing plant out in the garden. Thye like a sunny spot, well drained and getting lots of sun they do better in a soil enriched with organic matter and potash rich fertilisers the planst are frost sensitive and need a long season, 12-18 months to form roots so they are most suitable to the frost free subtropics and tropics, where potatoes will not grow well. they have few pests or diseases. Bandicoots or rats may steal a crop unless excuded

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Is tapioca a plant part?

Tapioca is the starch extracted from the cassava root. So, no it is not a plant part itself but it is extracted from roots Cassava is another word for the tapioca plant. Generally, tapioca or cassava refers to the root of the plant. Hence, yes; tapioca is part of a plant.

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Cassava, also called manioc or yuca, is the plant Manihot esculenta.

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The botanical name of cassava is Manihot esculenta. It is a root vegetable that is rich in carbohydrates and is a staple food in many tropical regions around the world.