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It is better to pull up the plants and if they are disease free put them in the compost heap. If they are diseased burn them and use the ash.

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Q: Can you leave dead tomato plants in the garden for compost for next year?
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Do pill bugs need to be removed from compost before adding to garden?

Not to worry . . . they will leave on their own accord. They hang around the compost bin because it is dark and moist. But when the compost matter is spread around the garden, then tend to leave for darker places.

Does using compost in gardens also encourage the growth of weeds?

Most certainly. Weeds are simply plants in the wrong place - your flowers, shrubs and vegetables are plants in the right place - they could be weeds somewhere else! If you buy commercial compost in bags, the chances are it has been effectively sterilised and shouldn't contain seeds or plants which will germinate (no guarantees, though!). If you make your own compost (this is a good idea) you should be aware of what goes into it because it will often grow the plants you put into it. Lawn clippings will guarantee grass growing amongst your flowers and vegetables for instance, and kitchen waste will produce lots of seedlings from pumpkin, tomato, watermelon, avocado, etc. It's best to make your compost in a bottomless tub so that worms will get into it and break down the organic material. Worms will also add powerful nutrients to the compost. The longer you can leave it before you use it, the fewer unwanted plants will come out of it. I use 2 compost bins, and when one is full, I leave it for several months. Then I remove the bin and leave the pile open for a few weeks. This allows the seeds in it to germinate, and you can chop these plants up before you scatter the compost on your garden. The benefits of using compost far outweigh the problems. Compost feeds the plants, improves the soil with organic material and it also acts as mulch to retain water and protect roots close to the surface. Compost also encourages worms, which are very good for the garden. If your compost smells really bad, the balance of kitchen waste to other organic material (e.g. newspaper, leaves, lawn clippings and mulched twigs and branches) is wrong, or you've included meat or fish scraps. Add lots of the drier organic material, and turn the compost with a fork to mix it up and it should get better. You're aiming for it to just smell 'earthy'. If there aren't any worms in the mix (quite unlikely, in most places), or not very many, you can buy a box of live worms from a garden centre to put in with your compost. Leaves of Comfrey mixed in with compost can also improve the process to make your compost quicker.

Can you make a sentence using the word for decompose?

"The egg began to decomposeafter a day in thesun."

What can make Vermiform compost?

Vermiform compost is a type of compost that is produced by redworms, white worms or earthworms. These worms consume organic waste and leave behind a rich compost.

Show you a sentence with the word variegated?

He entered into a variegated garden, beautifully colored by all kinds of flowers and plants. it was beautiful in the garden so he could never leave.

Will moshlings come if you are standing in the garden on Moshi Monsters?

Yes, you attract moshlings into your garden when you plant seeds and grow the correct combination of flowers.

How long do you leave tomato juice on your face to clear acne for?

you can leave tomato juice on for 10 min. tomato juice is good for blackheads and acne. use it daily/everyday

Where does the term 'garden leave' come from?

When placed on garden leave you are not allowed to work for another employer but still receive pay for the duration of the garden leave. Therefore, you have nothing to do besides stay at home and work in your garden. When placed on garden leave you are not allowed to work for another employer but still receive pay for the duration of the garden leave. Therefore, you have nothing to do besides stay at home and work in your garden. When placed on garden leave you are not allowed to work for another employer but still receive pay for the duration of the garden leave. Therefore, you have nothing to do besides stay at home and work in your garden.

Why do gardeners get rid of weed in their garden or farm?

They get rid of weeds cause weeds take over the plants space were they can't grow at all. You should never leave the weeds with plants cause the plants will never grow and will die.

What happens to a garden if you leave it for 7 years?

it will be over grown, there will be weeds, it will look a mess, plants will look spindily, plants will die, it will look horrible, "cut short" a disaster and it will need a lot of work.

Should you cover compost heaps?

Only cover the pile when you don't want animals to eat the compost. Otherwise leave it uncovered to help the bacteria to compost the matter and ensure moisture gets in the pile. -Super Llama

What happens to the shell of an egg when put in tomato juice?

ketchupie egg or the tomato paste squidges out the sides as you forgot to take ot some of the tomato paste firstor (well it depends how long you leave it in there, i will leave the rest up to your imagination.)oreggy-ketchup