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Examples of agriculture Fertilizers are granular Triple superphosphate, Potassium chloride, Urea, Anhydrous ammonia The main fertiliser groups are Nitrogen Phosphate and Potash all the rest are trace elements.
Seaweed Compost Fish emulsion Rock dust Leaf mold Worm compost Worm pee

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13y ago

NPK and CAN are mixed fertilizers. NPK contains some compounds of nitrogen phosphorous and potassium. CAN contains compounds of calcium ammonium and nitrogen.

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What are the examples of chemical fertilizers?

Examples of chemical fertilizers include ammonium nitrate, urea, and superphosphate. These fertilizers are synthetically produced and typically provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to plants for their growth and development.

Can you state some examples for fertilizers?

some examples are :-

What do mixed chemical fertilizers do?

Thes feritilizers are more efficient.

What are the examples of fertilizers?

Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus or animal dung.

What is an mixed number give examples?

a whole number with a fraction 1 and one half | 1/ | / 2

Why do fish die if chemical fertilizers are mixed with water?

They breathe in the chemical water to get oxygen.

How are Fertilizers and irrigation are examples of how people modify their environment?

There both materials

What is one problem caused by chemical fertilizers?

Examples: pollution of waters and eutrophication.

Fertilizers such as nitrates and phosphates are examples of what type of pollutant?

Fertilizers like nitrates and phosphates are examples of nutrient pollutants. When these nutrients enter water bodies in excessive amounts, they can cause algal blooms, oxygen depletion, and harm aquatic ecosystems in a process known as eutrophication.

What are examples of nitric acids?

Only one nitric acid is known: HNO3.

What are the mixed fertilizers?

Mixed fertilizers are blends of two or more essential nutrients required for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These fertilizers are designed to provide a balanced nutrient supply to promote healthy plant development and improve crop yields. They come in various formulations tailored to different types of plants and soil conditions.

What Acids and Akalise are in fertilizers?

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