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There are several places one could find a picture of a cottonwood tree. One could look in a non-fiction book about trees. One could also do an image search on their computer. Additionally, one could find a cottonwood tree and take a picture themselves.

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Q: Can you find a picture of a cottonwood tree?
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Is the Cottonwood Tree Kansas state tree?

Yes, the Eastern Cottonwood is the state tree of Kansas.

What is a cottonwood tree?

The cottonwood tree is one of North America's largest hardwood trees. The wood of the cottonwood tree is actually soft. The tree is found throughout the eastern United States and in extreme southern Canada.

What state tree is the cottonwood?

Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming all have some species of the cottonwood as their state tree.

What is the Wyoming tree?

The Plains Cottonwood.

What is wyoming's state tree?

The Plains Cottonwood (Populus deltoids occidentalis) was adopted as Wyoming state tree on February 1, 1947.

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No, it is not a conjunction. It is a noun, a type of tree.

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What is the cottonwood tree?

A cottonwood tree is one of the most rarest tress of all. It is also known as to be used to make kachina dolls. Also that's how pioneers found water.

Did the Indians use the cottonwood tree?

Yes, 13 years ago

What is nebraskas state tree?

Nebraska's state tree is the Cottonwood. Easy!

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