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no it can't

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Q: Can sugar cane grow in Manitoba?
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Does sugar cane grow in the state of Queensland?

Sugar cane does grow in Queensland.

What are some things that they grow in barbados?

They grow sugar cane!!

What does Egypt make and grow?

sugar cane

What can you grow in Minecraft?

You can grow: Mushrooms Trees Sugar Cane Wheat

Can you grow sugar cane in Canada?

Sugar cane requires a warm and tropical climate to grow successfully, so it is unlikely that it can be grown in Canada due to its colder climate. However, certain varieties of sugar cane may be able to grow in indoor greenhouses or in specific microclimates with controlled conditions.

Why have more countries started to grow sugar cane?

Sugar cane is used to make ethanol and sugar cane is a renewable energy resource, it also reduces certain greenhouse emission.

What are the adaptations of sugar cane?

Sugar cane can grow "above ground roots" during flooding, grow in different soils, tolerate fires, and survive most droughts.

Do they grow cotton in Puerto Rico?

No but sugar cane Petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, rum and coffee

Why can't sugar grow in Europe?

Europe grows sugar beet to refine into sugar, the European climate is not warm enough to grow sugar cane.

What did the Incas grow?

Maize, sorghum, sugar cane, etc.

If you plant sugar will it grow in to a sugar grain?

no you cant grow sugar but you can grow sugar grain that will eventually end up being sugar cane (it tastes really good)YEAH i come from Barbados I love sugar cane it is really good and how dumb are you you cannot grow sugar from sugar that is like saying oh i planted money and got a money tree. STUPS

Is a sugar cane renewable?

Yes, plants like sugar cane are a renewable resource. You can use them, then plant some more and watch it grow.