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no, they grow in rome. you do know where rome is, dont you?

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Q: Can stone roman pine trees grow in Indiana?
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When do I trim my white pine trees in Indiana?

White pines don't need to be trimmed. You can trim off lower branches as the trees grow but leave enough branches to support the trees health.

How do you grow roman pine trees?

First of all there is no such thing as a "Roman Pine Tree" but if you mean how to grow a pine tree in Rome then i have the answer for you.First you have to check the soil and make sure it has plenty of acid in it (pine trees grow better in acid rich soil)second yell from then on your on your own GLAD I COULD HELP!!!!

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paper doesn't grow! the trees grow and we make the trees into paper! paper doesn't grow! the trees grow and we make the trees into paper!

Do diamonds grow on trees?

No, but wouldn't that be cool?!?

Would a rainbow eucalyptus tree grow in Indiana?

Rainbow eucalyptus trees typically thrive in tropical climates, so they are not well-suited for the climate of Indiana, which experiences cold winters. It would be challenging for a rainbow eucalyptus tree to grow and survive in Indiana's environment.

Can olives grow in trees?

Yes, they grow in trees.

Does bologna grow on trees?

bologna does not grow on trees.

Do mushrooms grow on trees?

some grow on trees and some grow on the ground

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Bananas do not grow on trees. The plant bananas grow on are herbs.

How do coniferous trees grow?

Coniferous trees grow sideways

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Do mangoes grow on trees?

Yes,they grow on trees in the summer in tropical countries.