No, Taylor Lautner was born in Grand Rapids, MI.
695 miles
The address of the Bear Creek Historical Society is: Po Box 315, Bear Creek, PA 18602-0315
The address of the Beech Creek Marsh Creek Watershed Heritage Museum is: Po Box 484, Beech Creek, PA 16822-0484
It is 296 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 688 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 495 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Pinegrove Historical Society is: Po Box 65, Pine Grove, PA 17963-0065
The average annual snowfall for Bear Creek Village, PA is approximately 45 inches.
Painted turtles
The address of the Peters Creek Historical Soc is: Po Box 208, Venetia, PA 15367
The address of the Sandy Creek Conservancy is: 55 Mckeever Ln, Sandy Lake, PA 16145-2039