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There is a plethora of tree specific fertilizers on the market.

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Q: Are there any fertilizers specifically formualted for trees?
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What can be used instead of fertilizers to reduce environmental problems?

Cow Dung specifically has been used in lot of countries to revive soil fertility , or basically any kind of animal poo will do.

Are liquid fertilizers any less effective than solid fertilizers?

Both liquid and solid fertilizers can be very effective when used correctly.

Are there any fertilizers that contain more nutrients than needed for indoor plants?

Using any fertilizer not designed specifically for indoor plants can be harmful, because they add too many salts into the soil causing the roots to burn.

Are there any fertilizers that can be easily delivered hydroponically?

There are several brand of plant fertilizers that are designed exclussively for hydroponics,like General Hydroponics.

What will happen to biodiversity if we go on cutting trees?

Trees are a renewable resource; they're plants, like any other crop. The only difference is that corn grows in 150 days, while trees take 30-50 years. Most of the trees that we cut down for paper, for example, are grown specifically for that purpose.

Do different fertilizers really many any difference when planting?

Fertilizers make all the difference in the world. The have different fertilizers for different plants because certain plants can't take a certain fertiizers composition.

Does space have any trees?

No, space does not have any trees....

Where are real trees are cut to make Christmas trees?

Usually in the forest ... but mostly on private land, so be sure you have the land owners full permission before entering and chopping down any tree. There are also Tree Farms throughout the nation ... trees grown specifically for the holiday season.

Which kind of fertalizer is suitable for peach?

I prefer organic fertilizers which stay in the soil longer. For peach trees look for a 10-10-10 fertilizer, but any balanced fertilizer, such as 12-12-12 or 20-20-20, will work. When fertilizing peach trees, place the fertilizer about 8-12 inches from the trunk of the tree.

Does the Rocky Mountains have any trees?

no it wouldn't have any trees

Is there any trees in Athens?

yes there is! there are trees everywhere!

Why are there not any trees in Slovakia?

There are lots of trees in Slovakia.