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Yes, putting salt around plants can keep slugs away even though there is possible collateral damage or death to the vegetation in question. Salt dehydrates animals and plants so that plants in particular do not access necessary soluble nutrients. Repulsion of slugs may be achieved through sprinkling coffee grounds, a control that will not harm the plant, its neighbors or the soil in which they all grow.

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10y ago

Yes, putting salt around plants can keep slugs away, but at the possible cost of damaging or killing the plant.

Specifically, salt can dehydrate animals and plants. They can keep plants from taking in necessary nutrients, which must be in soluble form. Repulsion of slugs may be achieved through sprinkling coffee grounds, which will not harm the plant or the soil in which it grows.

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15y ago

Not likely. Unless the plant has a tolerance for salt because it is adapted to the salt marshes, salt will kill the plants.

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Q: Are slugs useful to plants
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