

Are fresieas perenial

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Are fresieas perenial
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Asparagus and rhubarb.

Is rhubarb a perenial vegetable?

It is a herbaceous perennial considered to be a vegetable but for culinary purposes can also be a fruit

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A week or so. Of course, everyone is different.

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A red chilli member of the Capsicum family. It depends where in the world it is grown if it is a perenial or an annual.

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The Nile is a perenial river. It is the longest river in the world and flows year-round.

Is the yaupon holly a anuual or perenial?

Yaupon holly is a small evergreen shrub that reaches about five feet in height. Because it is an evergreen, it is considered a perennial.

What are the two perenial vegetables?

The taro and the artichoke fit that description.

What is the English of parwal?

Parwal is a green vegetable indigineous to Eastern India, Also called potol, it has a colloqial name of green pototo regionally. It is a perenial vine.In english it is also called 'Pointed Gourd'.