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My dog's been eating them for the past five years, and hasn't had any problems. He looks forward to every spring when the new saplings leaf out at the dog park, and he doesn't typically bother with any other type of grass or plant. A couple of the other dogs at the park do the same thing.

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Elm trees are deciduous

Is Dutch elm a tree or a disease?

The elm tree is a common tree planted throughout the United States. Dutch Elm disease kills off elm trees. It is spread by the elm bark beetle.

Are Chinese Elm seeds edible?

They are edible raw or cooked.

Does elm tree keep its leafs on whole winter?

Yes, an elm tree is a season tree. :-)

What is the national tree of Italy?

The national tree of Italy is the Elm. :) The national tree of Italy is the elm. It you type "Italy's National Tree" into dogpile or Google it will come up as Elm.

Why is your elm tree sapping?

Your elm tree could be producing sap because it was mixed with a maple tree. I know that our elm tree produces sap on a regular basis but my research has shown that it's a mix with a maple tree.

Is elm a pronoun?

No, "elm" is not a pronoun. An elm is a type of tree belonging to the Ulmaceae family. Pronouns are words that are used to replace nouns in a sentence.