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Daffodils grow in the spring from a bulb. They do have seeds, but it takes a good five years to get a flower from a daffodil seed, so most people plant the bulbs. They need to be in a well drained area, in sun or partial shade, and the bulb can adapt to most soils. Once the temperature is right, the bulb will send up its one cotyledon and from that leaves will make their way up and out to the light to soak up energy and make food for the bulb and expectant flowers. They last a full month or so, depending on the variety. When the flowers are finished, you leave the leaves in place for about a month. After they have started turning yellow, all of the food that they can make has been sent to the bulb. They they disappear until the next spring. Each year the bulb will multipy to produce new plants. They are very simple plants to have and they need very little tending.

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Q: Are daffodil's a spring flower
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What do daffodils do in spring?

They flower.

What flower is a common Spring flower?

Daffodils and tulips are popular flowers that bloom during spring.

What yellow flower do you see everywhere in Spring?

Daffodils, forsythia.

What is the best spring flower?

Daffodils 2.tulips 3. Iris

Why daffodils for Daffodil Day?

Daffodils were chosen as a symbol of hope and strength, and for all that have been touched by cancer. The annual flower pushes it's way through the earth after a long winter and a warm welcome to spring

What are tulips hyacinths and daffodils?

Tulips, hyacinths and daffodils are spring bulb plants. You plant them in the fall for spring bloom.

What flower is victorious favourite?

Daffodils is Victoria's favorite flower

Which flower grow from bulbs?

Many do from Lilies , tulips, daffodils, crocus, the number is almost endless when you also consider that there are so many varieties of each type. The flower in the spring summer fall and some even near winter.

How long do daffodils take to germinate?

Daffodils do not germinate from seeds; they propagate through bulbs. It can take 2-4 weeks for daffodil bulbs to sprout once planted in the ground. They typically flower in the spring, about 6-8 weeks after sprouting.

What is the harbinger of spring?

The harbinger of spring is the sight of daffodils or a hare or rabbit

What time of year do you see daffodils?


How do you cut down down spring flowers?

If you're speaking of the bulb plants like daffodils, tulips and daffodils, don't cut them prematurely. You can cut the dead flower and its stem right after the flower dies. This prevents it from wasting its energy making seeds instead of storing food in the bulb for next year's plant. Let the leaves stay on the plant to make the food for storage - until they turn yellow and wither up.