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Q: A plant common in Europe used in dyeing wool a yellow color?
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What is the name of a plant that is common in Europe and was formerly used in medicine and in dying wool a yellow color?


What was the most common color of a castle?

The color of the local stone but predominently grey in Europe and yellow/brown in North Africa. Previous to stone, castles were wood and earthworks.

What is the color of Europe's flag?

Blue with yellow star circle

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What is the color of daisy?

The common daisy is white with a yellow center.

How do you control color vairiation in garment dye?

You can control color variation in garment dyeing by using precise dyeing techniques, maintaining consistent dye ratios and concentrations, monitoring dyeing time and temperature accurately, and ensuring uniform fabric preparation before dyeing. Testing small samples prior to dyeing in bulk can also help to identify and correct any color inconsistencies.

Is western Europe the same color of yellow sea?

I do not know why are you asking

What is the meaning of dye?

To stain; to color; to give a new and permanent color to, as by the application of dyestuffs., Color produced by dyeing., Material used for dyeing; a dyestuff., Same as Die, a lot.

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The color of white cloth can be changed through a process known as dyeing. Fabric dye molecules bond with the fibers of the cloth to impart color. This can be achieved through various dyeing techniques such as immersion dyeing, tie dyeing, or batik.

What color is pollen?

Pollen can vary in color depending on the plant species, but common colors include yellow, orange, and white.