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The distance between the top and bottom of a wave in the ocean is called the wave height. Wave height can vary depending on the strength of the wave and environmental factors, but it is typically measured from the trough (bottom) to the crest (top) of the wave.

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Q: What is the distance between the top and bottom of a wave in the ocean?
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Related questions

What are the differences between wave height and wavelength?

Wave height refers to the vertical distance between the crest (top) and the trough (bottom) of a wave, while wavelength is the horizontal distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave. Wave height measures the amplitude of a wave, while wavelength measures the distance between wave cycles.

What does attitude mean in reference to ocean waves?

I'm sure that this question means altitude. Altitude is vertical distance between the maximum or minimum of the ocean wave (or any wave) and halfway between the minimum and maximum. Half the vertical distance between the minimum and maximum of the wave.

What is the vertical distance from the top of a wave to the bottom of a wave called?

The vertical distance from the top of a wave to the bottom of a wave is called the amplitude.

What is the definition of wavelength in units?

the distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions of a light wave is called its wavelength.

What ocean motion occurs when a wave strikes the bottom of the ocean?

A breaker wave, a surf.

Why a wave changes in the surf zone?

the bottom of the ocean is closer and the wave hit the bottom and they become shorter increasing the wave lenght

What is the Ditstice Between Crests?

The distance between crests( like in ocean waves) is referred to as it's wave length. Wave length also has direct effect on it's frequency, how often the wave repeats.

What is the name of the distance between wave crest?

The distance between wave crests is called wavelength. It is the distance between two consecutive points on a wave that are in phase, such as two peaks or two troughs.

What the crest-to-crest distance on a wave?

The crest-to-crest distance on a wave is the distance between two consecutive wave crests. It is a measure of the wavelength of the wave, which is the distance between corresponding points on a wave cycle.

How does a wave break work?

A wave breaks when the bottom of the wave's crest reaches shallow water, causing the wave to slow down. This difference in speed between the top and bottom of the wave causes the wave to eventually crest and break. The shape of the shoreline, ocean floor, and wave size all play a role in how a wave breaks.

Which equatian shows how frequency is related to velocity and wavelength apex?

The equation that shows how frequency is related to velocity and wavelength is: [frequency = \dfrac{velocity}{wavelength}]. This equation illustrates that frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength: as wavelength increases, frequency decreases and vice versa, while velocity remains constant.

What is the distance between the crest of waves is?

The wave's wavelength is the name is the distance between wave crest.