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Most likely something called lube.

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1mo ago

It is possible that you are experiencing vaginal discharge, which is normal and can vary in color and consistency throughout your menstrual cycle. If you are concerned about the color or odor of the discharge, or if you are experiencing other symptoms like itching or burning, it may be a good idea to see a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

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Q: You felt a fluid like running down your leg and some white stuff was in your underwear what is this?
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Do boys get that white stuff in there underwear?

No , unless you having Anual sex

How long is it before you get your period after you find white stuff in your underwear?

Fighting fhfhfh fhfhfh

Is their some medicane for the white stuff in girls panties?

No there isn't because the white stuff in your underwear is a sign that there is periods is coming its not bad just be prepaid with tampons

If you had a little bit if white on your underwear Female what is it?

That white stuff is discarge. I know it sounds nasty but you can search it up too

Why is there white stuff in your underwear everyday if you have already started your period?

Discharge........its wierd and nasty but it happens

My sons quite frequently had white stains in his underwear where his penis would be hes four what could it be?

I would think it could be ejaculation fluid.

How do you get the white stuff to stop coming out on your underwear?

This is called discharge and girls have it before they start their period. You can stop it coming onto your underwear by using Tampons. This will stop it getting out and making you feel uncomfortable all day.

You are thirteen and there is white stuff in your panties what is it?

discharge. it's normal for a teenage girl who's gone through puberty to have discharge in her underwear. it just means that your vagina is cleaning itself. you can wear a liner though so that it doesn't get into your underwear.

What coler are your underwear?

They are not white

Why do we have white stuff on underwear?

Every girl gets it trust me. I'm 10 right now and my period is about 1 month away. I have white stuff on my underwear. I did some research and found out that the white stuff on our underwear is vaginal discharge. (I don't even know if I spelled it correctly.) It's okay don't freak out. Vaginal discharge is something you get before you start your period. If you see this in you underwear, this is a sign that you first period might come in a couple of months, a few months, or maybe a year. For girls that don't want this in you underwear, I recommend using a pantiliner. Put 1 or 2 pads in your backpack or purse just in case if your period starts. WARNING, Don't be too excited about getting your period because it just means that you body is prepared or ready to have a baby. These are very helpful facts for you. DYAKT: Our shcool was talking about this thing by groups of boys and girls privately.

What was the original color of underwear?


What is the color of regular underwear?
