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When the leather soles rub against the wool, electrons are transferred to the shoes. These free electrons travel along the body and when the skin contacts a metal object, the electrons ground out, causing a shock.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

When you walk on a wool rug in leather-soled shoes, static electricity is created due to friction between the materials. Electrons transfer from the rug to your shoes, leaving you with a net positive charge and the rug with a net negative charge. When you reach for a metal object like a doorknob, the excess electrons on your body will flow to the metal through a spark, resulting in a static shock.

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Q: You can pick up static electricity by walking on a wool rug in leather-soled shoes Explain why you are then negatively charged and what happens when you grab for a metal object such as a doorknob?
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Explain what happens when you get a shock from a metal doorknob after walking across a carpet?

When you walk across a carpet, you can accumulate an excess of electrons on your body, creating a charge imbalance. When you touch a metal doorknob, the excess charge flows from your body to the metal doorknob, resulting in a sudden discharge of static electricity, which is felt as a shock.

Laundry clothes dryer often becomes charged either static electricity while frying what explain why a cloth dryer often generate static electricity?

A cloth dryer generates static electricity because different fabrics rubbing against each other create friction. This friction transfers electrons between the clothing, causing them to become positively or negatively charged. When the clothes rub against the dryer drum, this can lead to a buildup of static electricity.

What was Galvanis theory to explain his first investigation?

Galvani's theory to explain his first investigation was that animal electricity was responsible for the contraction of muscles, rather than an external source of electricity. He believed that the electricity originated within the muscle tissue itself, leading to the concept of "animal electricity."

When you rub an air filles balloon with your dry hair and press it against the wall . Explain why?

Rubbing the balloon against your dry hair transfers electrons from your hair to the balloon, giving the balloon a negative charge. When you then place the negatively charged balloon against the wall, it creates an attraction with the positive charges in the wall, causing the balloon to stick due to static electricity.

Explain with the help of diagram how free electrons and hole contribute to electric current?

In a semiconductor material, free electrons and holes can conduct electricity. Free electrons are negatively charged particles that move in response to an electric field, creating an electron flow or current. Holes are spaces within the crystal lattice where an electron is missing, and they behave as positively charged carriers that can also move in response to an electric field, contributing to the overall current flow. Both free electrons and holes play a role in conducting electricity in semiconductors.

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Explain what happens when you get a shock from a metal doorknob after walking across a carpet?

When you walk across a carpet, you can accumulate an excess of electrons on your body, creating a charge imbalance. When you touch a metal doorknob, the excess charge flows from your body to the metal doorknob, resulting in a sudden discharge of static electricity, which is felt as a shock.

Laundry clothes dryer often becomes charged either static electricity while frying what explain why a cloth dryer often generate static electricity?

A cloth dryer generates static electricity because different fabrics rubbing against each other create friction. This friction transfers electrons between the clothing, causing them to become positively or negatively charged. When the clothes rub against the dryer drum, this can lead to a buildup of static electricity.

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Not on government but on utility companys.

What was Galvanis theory to explain his first investigation?

Galvani's theory to explain his first investigation was that animal electricity was responsible for the contraction of muscles, rather than an external source of electricity. He believed that the electricity originated within the muscle tissue itself, leading to the concept of "animal electricity."

Explain electricity to 4th graders? That's a good website explaining electricity or google: electricity explained to little kids

What is model electricity?

if this is to do with electricity then this may help. Basically, you have to explain how the circuit works. So you may want to explain the function of the battery and how it produces electricla energy. Then you say how the current travels through the wire. Just explain what voltage is as well. It is quite easy as that.

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Thomson's model of the atom, also known as the plum pudding model, describes the atom as a positively charged sphere with negatively charged electrons embedded throughout. In this model, static electricity can be explained by the transfer of electrons between objects. Cathode rays are streams of electrons emitted from the negative electrode in a vacuum tube, consistent with the presence of negatively charged electrons in the atom. Canal rays, or positive rays, are positively charged rays produced when positively charged ions are accelerated through a low-pressure gas, which supports the idea of positive particles (protons) within the atom.

When you rub an air filles balloon with your dry hair and press it against the wall . Explain why?

Rubbing the balloon against your dry hair transfers electrons from your hair to the balloon, giving the balloon a negative charge. When you then place the negatively charged balloon against the wall, it creates an attraction with the positive charges in the wall, causing the balloon to stick due to static electricity.

Explain with the help of diagram how free electrons and hole contribute to electric current?

In a semiconductor material, free electrons and holes can conduct electricity. Free electrons are negatively charged particles that move in response to an electric field, creating an electron flow or current. Holes are spaces within the crystal lattice where an electron is missing, and they behave as positively charged carriers that can also move in response to an electric field, contributing to the overall current flow. Both free electrons and holes play a role in conducting electricity in semiconductors.

How do you explain the word electricity?

Electricity is a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles, such as electrons. It is commonly used to power various devices and systems by flowing through conductive materials.