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Yes, both of those radiations fall within the X-ray range of the electromagnetic spectrum. X-ray detectors are designed to detect and measure X-ray radiation, which typically has wavelengths in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers and frequencies in the range of 3 × 10^16 to 3 × 10^19 Hz.

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Q: Would the radiations with a wavelength 0.96nm or a frequency of 6.11011s1 be detected by an X-ray detector?
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Which of the following waves has the highest frequency?

Gamma rays have the highest frequency among the options listed. They have the shortest wavelength and highest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What is the least count of spectrometer?

The least count of a spectrometer is the smallest change in wavelength or frequency that can be detected or measured by the device. It is typically determined by the resolution or accuracy of the instrument and can vary depending on the specific model or design of the spectrometer.

What frequency will be detected by a stationary listner if sournce of sound is moving towards him?

The frequency detected by a stationary listener will be higher than the frequency emitted by the source. This is due to the Doppler effect, where sound waves are compressed as the source moves towards the listener, causing a perceived increase in frequency.

What is the nature of a radar signal?

A radar signal is an electromagnetic wave that is emitted by a radar transmitter. It travels through the atmosphere, reflects off objects in its path, and is then detected by a radar receiver. The signal's properties, such as frequency and wavelength, determine its range and resolution capabilities.

What frequency will be detected by a stationary listener if source of sound is moving towards him?

The frequency detected by a stationary listener will be higher than the actual frequency emitted by the moving source. This effect is known as the Doppler effect, and it occurs because the sound waves are compressed as the source moves towards the listener, resulting in a perceived increase in frequency.

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Which of the following waves has the highest frequency?

Gamma rays have the highest frequency among the options listed. They have the shortest wavelength and highest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Visible light falls on the range of the electromangetic spectrum which is the appropriate wavelength to be detected by the eye. The difference between visible light and invisible light is simply its energy (wavelength or frequency)

What is dangers of microwave radiations?

microwave radiations are invisible radiations and it can be harmfull in some cases. microwaves are detected with specific dectectors. High density can be harmfull and can make you sterlile and blind. For your safety use dectectors when repairing microwave ovens or any microwave generator.

What is the least count of spectrometer?

The least count of a spectrometer is the smallest change in wavelength or frequency that can be detected or measured by the device. It is typically determined by the resolution or accuracy of the instrument and can vary depending on the specific model or design of the spectrometer.

What is the difference between photon detector and thermal detector?

The wavelength of the detected signal.

What frequency will be detected by a stationary listner if sournce of sound is moving towards him?

The frequency detected by a stationary listener will be higher than the frequency emitted by the source. This is due to the Doppler effect, where sound waves are compressed as the source moves towards the listener, causing a perceived increase in frequency.

What is the range of electromagnetic radiation detected by the eye?

The human eye can detect electromagnetic radiation within the visible light spectrum, which ranges from approximately 400 to 700 nanometers in wavelength. This corresponds to the colors of the rainbow, including violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.

What is the nature of a radar signal?

A radar signal is an electromagnetic wave that is emitted by a radar transmitter. It travels through the atmosphere, reflects off objects in its path, and is then detected by a radar receiver. The signal's properties, such as frequency and wavelength, determine its range and resolution capabilities.

What frequency will be detected by a stationary listener if source of sound is moving towards him?

The frequency detected by a stationary listener will be higher than the actual frequency emitted by the moving source. This effect is known as the Doppler effect, and it occurs because the sound waves are compressed as the source moves towards the listener, resulting in a perceived increase in frequency.

How are ultraviolet waves detected?

Ultraviolet waves are detected using instruments like photodetectors or spectrometers that are sensitive to UV radiation. These devices can measure the intensity of UV light and provide information about its wavelength and frequency. UV detection is important for various applications including scientific research, environmental monitoring, and medical diagnostics.

What wavelengths are in sunlight?

The Sun Light spectrum is 275nm to 2850nm . This includes Visible range, almost near IR radiations and a part of UV radiations. In simple, sunlight spectrum ranges from middle of middle UV to almost till Near IR radiations.