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Yes, momentum is conserved in the larger apple-Earth system. When the apple falls towards Earth, it gains momentum in the downward direction while Earth gains an equal amount of momentum in the opposite direction. The total momentum of the system remains constant, demonstrating the principle of conservation of momentum.

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Q: Would momentum conserved in the larger apple earth system?
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Would no momentum be conserved for the system if momentum were not a vector quantity?

No, momentum conservation is a fundamental principle in physics and it would still hold even if momentum were not a vector quantity. Momentum conservation simply states that the total momentum in a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. Whether momentum is treated as a vector or scalar quantity does not change this principle.

When two bodies having same momentum collide what will be the result?

If two bodies with the same momentum collide head-on, they will come to a stop if they stick together after the collision or they will continue moving in the same direction if they separate. The final outcome depends on factors such as the masses and velocities of the two bodies involved.

Does momentum change as a rock falls to the ground?

No, momentum is conserved in the absence of external forces, so the momentum of the rock would remain constant as it falls to the ground. The only force acting on the rock would be gravity, which does not change the momentum of an object in free fall.

What would be the momentum if the mass were halved?

If the mass were halved, the momentum would also be halved since momentum is directly proportional to mass. This relationship is described by the equation p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. So, if the mass is halved, the momentum would also be halved.

Suppose a train car in moving down the track at 10ms hits another train car that is not moving explain how momentum is conserved after the collision?

Conservation of Momentum:The total momentum in a closed or isolated system remains constant. If the two trains are moving as one after the collision, and were the same mass M each, the total momentum before and after the collision would be the same, ccording to the law. Before the collision, the momentum (velocity times mass) was 10 x M units (one train) which must now be the same but applied to two trains (2M) moving as one body. The Conservation of Momentum rule, will tell you that the new moving body, being twice the mass, would be moving half the velocity to conserve the momentum from before the collision.

Related questions

Would no momentum be conserved for the system if momentum were not a vector quantity?

No, momentum conservation is a fundamental principle in physics and it would still hold even if momentum were not a vector quantity. Momentum conservation simply states that the total momentum in a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. Whether momentum is treated as a vector or scalar quantity does not change this principle.

If momentum were conserved the ratio of the total momentum after the collision to the total momentum before the collision would be?

1 +/- two decimal place

Why did scientists believe in a neutrino long before it was detected?

This was because of laws of conservation of: momentum, angular momentum, and energy. In certain reactions, these were apparently not conserved; a hypothetical particle would resolve the observed discrepancy.This was because of laws of conservation of: momentum, angular momentum, and energy. In certain reactions, these were apparently not conserved; a hypothetical particle would resolve the observed discrepancy.This was because of laws of conservation of: momentum, angular momentum, and energy. In certain reactions, these were apparently not conserved; a hypothetical particle would resolve the observed discrepancy.This was because of laws of conservation of: momentum, angular momentum, and energy. In certain reactions, these were apparently not conserved; a hypothetical particle would resolve the observed discrepancy.

When two bodies having same momentum collide what will be the result?

If two bodies with the same momentum collide head-on, they will come to a stop if they stick together after the collision or they will continue moving in the same direction if they separate. The final outcome depends on factors such as the masses and velocities of the two bodies involved.

Distinguish beween and elastic and inelastic collision for wich type of collision is momentum conserved?

Momentum is conserved in both elastic and inelastic collisions. Mechanical energy is conserved only in elastic collisions. In inelastic collisions, part of the energy is "lost" - usually most of it would be converted to heat, eventually.

Would a larger mass moving slowly have the least momentum?

No, momentum is given by the product of an object's mass and its velocity, so a larger mass moving slowly could still have significant momentum. Momentum depends on both mass and velocity, so even if an object is moving slowly, a large mass can still have considerable momentum.

Does momentum change as a rock falls to the ground?

No, momentum is conserved in the absence of external forces, so the momentum of the rock would remain constant as it falls to the ground. The only force acting on the rock would be gravity, which does not change the momentum of an object in free fall.

What happens if there is no rotation in solar system?

This is an impossible "what if ?" question. Angular momentum is a conserved quantity, and cannot suddenly disappear from a system. If you have a magic wand, please don't wave it; with no rotation everything that is currently orbiting the sun would disappear into it. That would give a whole new dimension to "global warming".

What would be the momentum if the mass were halved?

If the mass were halved, the momentum would also be halved since momentum is directly proportional to mass. This relationship is described by the equation p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. So, if the mass is halved, the momentum would also be halved.

Suppose a train car in moving down the track at 10ms hits another train car that is not moving explain how momentum is conserved after the collision?

Conservation of Momentum:The total momentum in a closed or isolated system remains constant. If the two trains are moving as one after the collision, and were the same mass M each, the total momentum before and after the collision would be the same, ccording to the law. Before the collision, the momentum (velocity times mass) was 10 x M units (one train) which must now be the same but applied to two trains (2M) moving as one body. The Conservation of Momentum rule, will tell you that the new moving body, being twice the mass, would be moving half the velocity to conserve the momentum from before the collision.

As a ball falls toward earth the momentum of the ball increases How would you reconcile this observation with the law of conservation of momentum?

The increase in momentum of the falling ball is offset by an equal and opposite increase in the momentum of the Earth. The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant, so the gains in momentum of the ball and Earth are balanced.

Is impulse conserved in collision?

In collisions, impulse is not always conserved because impulse depends on the change in momentum of the objects involved. If external forces are acting during the collision, then impulse may not be conserved. However, in ideal situations like perfectly elastic collisions where no external forces are present, the total impulse before and after the collision would be the same.