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A smooth even surface would typically weather more slowly than an uneven broken surface because there are fewer areas for water to collect and penetrate, leading to less erosion and weathering. The irregularities on a broken surface provide more surface area for exposure to weathering agents, causing faster deterioration.

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Q: Would a smooth even surface weather faster than according to uneven broken surface?
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Would a smooth even surface weather faster than an uneven broken surface?

An uneven broken surface would generally weather faster than a smooth even surface due to increased surface area and exposure to environmental factors. The irregularities in the broken surface provide more opportunities for weathering processes, such as erosion and chemical breakdown, to occur compared to a smooth surface.

What type of surface weathers faster smooth surface or jagged surface?

A jagged surface typically weathers faster than a smooth surface because it has more surface area exposed to environmental factors such as wind, water, and abrasion. This increased surface area allows for more opportunities for weathering processes to occur, leading to faster deterioration.

Do a black surface cool faster than shiny surface?

No, a black surface will absorb more heat from its surroundings and radiate it back out more slowly compared to a shiny surface. This means that a shiny surface will typically cool faster than a black surface.

Does a basketball roll faster on a smooth surface or a rough surface?

A basketball will roll faster on a smooth surface due to less friction compared to a rough surface. The rough surface creates more resistance, slowing down the ball's movement.

Does a football travel faster in hot or cold?

A football will typically travel faster in hot weather compared to cold weather. This is because the air molecules are more spread out in hot weather, reducing air resistance and allowing the ball to move more quickly through the air.

Related questions

Would a smooth even surface weather faster than an uneven broken surface?

An uneven broken surface would generally weather faster than a smooth even surface due to increased surface area and exposure to environmental factors. The irregularities in the broken surface provide more opportunities for weathering processes, such as erosion and chemical breakdown, to occur compared to a smooth surface.

How does surface areas affect the rate of weather?

more surface area= faster rate of weathering

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Small particles weather faster than larger particles because they have a smaller surface area. For example, pebbles weather faster than boulders because the have less areas to cover.

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The main reasons an athletic track would be "faster" than others are the age of the court, quality of installation, and weather conditions. Altitude, surface used, age of surface, prevailing wind and weather conditions, and many other factors.

What will weather faster a fine grained or coarse-grained rock?

A fine-grained rock will weather faster than a coarse-grained rock because it has more surface area exposed to weathering agents like water and air. This increased surface area allows for more chemical reactions and physical breakdown to occur, leading to faster weathering.

What will happen when you put the whole antacid tablet into the cup and at the same time drop the crushed tablet into the second cup?

The broken tablet will dissolve faster because chemical reactions are faster when there is more surface area. By breaking the tablet, you are increasing the surface area.

Does the size of sugar affect the speed at which it dissolves in water?

greater surface area to volume ratio greater the rate of dissolution it will dissolve faster if broken into smaller pieces hence smaller = faster

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Your cooling fan may be broken. You may need some radiator fluid.

Is it true that the greater the surface area the slower The Rock will weather?

No, that statement is incorrect. The greater the surface area, the faster weathering typically occurs, as there is more area exposed to the elements and mechanical breakdown processes.

Does a whole mint last longer than pieces of mint?

Yes. A whole mint has less exposed surface area. A mint that is broken in pieces has more exposed surface area and thus will dissolve faster.

Why will a rock weather faster after it's been crushed?

Crushing a rock increases its surface area exposed to weathering agents like air and water. This accelerated exposure allows for more chemical reactions to occur, leading to faster weathering of the rock.

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