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fast moving Golf ball.

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June Douglas

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The slow moving proton would have a larger wavelength. Wavelength is inversely proportional to velocity according to the de Broglie equation, so the slower the object is moving, the larger its wavelength.

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Q: Would a slow moving proton or a fast moving golf ball have a larger wavelength?
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3 A wave with which of the following frequencies would have the shortest wavelength?

So far in the electromagnetic spectrum we have gamma radiations having the shortest wavelength. In case of de Broglie's waves the matter waves of massive objects such as an iron ball moving at a faster rate would have the shortest wavelength which could not be measured even. So we declare that only light particles such as electron, proton, neutron or alpha particle, deutron moving at higher speeds would act as a wave with shortest wavelength.

What is the mass of a proton moving at a speed of 2370 meters per second?

The mass of a proton is approximately 1.67 x 10^-27 kilograms. To calculate the relativistic mass of a proton moving at a speed of 2370 meters per second, you would need to use the formula for relativistic mass, which takes into account the increase in mass due to the proton's speed approaching the speed of light.

What is the wavelength of 680 Hz tone moving through air?

The wavelength of a 680 Hz tone moving through air can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. The speed of sound in air at room temperature is approximately 343 m/s. Therefore, the wavelength of a 680 Hz tone in air would be about 0.504 meters (504 mm).

How would a proton's motion differ from the motion of an electron placed at the same point in the same electric field?

A proton, being positively charged, would move in the opposite direction of the electric field, while an electron, being negatively charged, would move in the same direction as the electric field. Additionally, the proton's mass is larger than the electron's mass, so the proton would have less acceleration and a slower velocity compared to the electron in the same electric field.

What According to the Doppler effect objects moving away from Earth would have a?

According to the Doppler effect, objects moving away from Earth would have a redshifted spectral line. This means that the wavelength of the light they emit would be stretched, causing it to shift towards the red end of the spectrum.

Related questions

What would have a larger wavelength a slow moving proton or a fast moving golf ball?

fast moving Golf ball.

Why would a fast-moving golf ball have a larger wavelength than a slow moving proton?

a golf ball, only if it is made of gold because of the very specific atomic mass of gold.

a proton and electron have the same kinetic energywhich has longer wavelength?

the electron would have the longer wavelength b/c the proton has more momentum and λ=h/p (λ is wavelength, h is planc's constant and p is momentum)

3 A wave with which of the following frequencies would have the shortest wavelength?

So far in the electromagnetic spectrum we have gamma radiations having the shortest wavelength. In case of de Broglie's waves the matter waves of massive objects such as an iron ball moving at a faster rate would have the shortest wavelength which could not be measured even. So we declare that only light particles such as electron, proton, neutron or alpha particle, deutron moving at higher speeds would act as a wave with shortest wavelength.

If a wave is moving at a constant speed and the wavelength is doubled what will happen to the frequency?

IF a wave moving at a constant speed were to have it's wavelength doubled (Wavelength x 2), then the frequency of the wave would be half of what it originally was (Frequency / 2).

What if a proton is used instead of electron in compton effect?

If a proton is used instead of an electron in the Compton effect, the scattering process would still occur, but the change in wavelength of the photon would be different compared to when an electron is involved. Protons have a larger mass compared to electrons, so the scattering angle and energy transfer would be influenced by the proton's mass. Additionally, the Compton formula used to calculate the shifted wavelength would need to be modified to account for the different mass and charge of a proton.

How would the spectral lines of a star change when moving closer towards earth?

As a star moves closer to Earth, its spectral lines would appear blueshifted. This means that the wavelengths of the lines would be compressed and shifted towards the blue end of the spectrum due to the Doppler effect. Observers on Earth would measure the star's light as having shorter wavelengths compared to when the star is further away.

If you looked closely could you see the wavelength of a fast moving car?

In theory, according to de Broglie, any moving object would have a wavelength; but the wavelength of large sized objects, such as a car, or even a speck of dust, would be too small to measure.

What is the mass of a proton moving at a speed of 2370 meters per second?

The mass of a proton is approximately 1.67 x 10^-27 kilograms. To calculate the relativistic mass of a proton moving at a speed of 2370 meters per second, you would need to use the formula for relativistic mass, which takes into account the increase in mass due to the proton's speed approaching the speed of light.

What is the wavelength of 680 Hz tone moving through air?

The wavelength of a 680 Hz tone moving through air can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. The speed of sound in air at room temperature is approximately 343 m/s. Therefore, the wavelength of a 680 Hz tone in air would be about 0.504 meters (504 mm).

What is the wavelength of a 300 gram object moving at a velocity of about 100 mph?

The wavelength of a macroscopic object like a 300 gram object moving at 100 mph is incredibly small due to its large mass and velocity. To calculate the wavelength using the de Broglie wavelength equation, you would find it to be many orders of magnitude smaller than atoms or subatomic particles due to the classical scale of the object.

Which is bigger a proton or neutron?

A neutron is slightly heavier than a proton. Both particles are found in the nucleus of an atom, but neutrons have just a slightly larger mass than protons.