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yes. The acceleration rate is a constant, the gravitational constant. Here, the earth's mass is assumed to be a constant.

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Yes, in the absence of air resistance or other external factors, all bodies would fall at the same rate regardless of their masses. This phenomenon is known as the equivalence principle and was famously demonstrated by Galileo through his experiment at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

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Q: Without friction would all bodies fall at the same rate?
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If we didn't have friction what would we do?

Without friction, objects would not be able to stay in place or move on their own. Walking, driving, and other forms of movement would be significantly more difficult or impossible to perform. It would be challenging to hold objects, and everyday tasks would become challenging to complete.

How does the friction force help people in walking?

Friction force between the ground and our shoes provides the necessary traction to prevent slipping as we walk. This allows us to push off the ground with each step and move in the desired direction. The friction force also helps in maintaining balance and stability while walking.

What would happen to pieces of wood nailed together if there was no friction in the world?

If there was no friction, the pieces of wood nailed together would not be able to stay in place. Without friction, there would be nothing to prevent the pieces from sliding and slipping out of position. Therefore, the structure would likely fall apart.

When is heat from friction helpful and when is it harmful?

Heat from friction can be helpful in applications like starting a fire or warming surfaces in manufacturing processes. However, it can be harmful when excessive friction causes damage to machinery or leads to overheating in moving parts, potentially resulting in wear and tear or even fires.

Why do all bodies fall with the same acceleration in the absence of air friction?

All bodies accelerate at the same rate due to gravity, regardless of their mass, because gravity is a force that acts uniformly on all objects. In the absence of air friction, there are no other forces to influence the acceleration of objects, so they all fall at the same rate. This principle is known as the equivalence principle.

Related questions

If we didn't have friction what would we do?

Without friction, objects would not be able to stay in place or move on their own. Walking, driving, and other forms of movement would be significantly more difficult or impossible to perform. It would be challenging to hold objects, and everyday tasks would become challenging to complete.

How can friction be helpful or harmful?

Both! Here is a list: Helpful: 1. We need it to brake/stop our cars 2. We need it to fly in airplanes. (The friction of air on the wings cause the plane to stay in the air) 3. We would slip and fall if there were no friction between the ground and our shoes 4. We wouldn't be able to turn a doorknob without friction. (Our hand would just slide off of it.) 5. We can warm our bodies by friction. (When people get cold, they can rub thier chest, arms and legs to create warmth by friction) Harmful: 1. Our cars would get much better gas mileage without tire and air friction. 2. There would be no more skinned knees if friction didn't exist. (Like when you are playing soccer or football.) 3. We wouldn't have to worry about clothes chaffing us in dry weather if there were no friction. 4. We could do some pretty amazing dance moves without friction. 5. Our shoes would last a lot longer without friction Hope this helped(:

How do objects fall if air friction is disregarded?

They Free Fall without losing it's/their momentum.

How does the friction force help people in walking?

Friction force between the ground and our shoes provides the necessary traction to prevent slipping as we walk. This allows us to push off the ground with each step and move in the desired direction. The friction force also helps in maintaining balance and stability while walking.

What would happen to pieces of wood nailed together if there was no friction in the world?

If there was no friction, the pieces of wood nailed together would not be able to stay in place. Without friction, there would be nothing to prevent the pieces from sliding and slipping out of position. Therefore, the structure would likely fall apart.

How would be a world where tires and shoe would not grip the ground where knots would come undone and nails fall out?

That sounds kind of like a world without friction.

Would walking around be impossible without rolling friction?

yes you wouldn't even be able to stand up because you would just fall over again Not sure why you have asked about "Rolling Friction"...there are other categories as well. But imagine you were wearing Magnetic Boots on a Ferrous surface. You could walk without "Rolling Friction".

When is heat from friction helpful and when is it harmful?

Heat from friction can be helpful in applications like starting a fire or warming surfaces in manufacturing processes. However, it can be harmful when excessive friction causes damage to machinery or leads to overheating in moving parts, potentially resulting in wear and tear or even fires.

why They would fall with equal speed if there were no friction from the air?

who said there is friction with air there is a friction called viscosity that exist between each layers of air thus the particle with with higher density will fall faster

How does friction affect rock climbers?

Friction affects rock climbers by allowing them to effectively grasp the rocks that they are trying to climb. Without friction, the rock climbers' hands would just slip off the rocks, causing them to inevitably fall to their deaths. Thank you that is close to what I was thinking. What would be another exmaple of how friction affects rock climbers? Thank you so much.

What happens to friction when you try to get rid of it?

Friction cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be reduced by using lubricants, smoother surfaces, or by reducing the contact force between the surfaces. However, some amount of friction will always be present in any interaction involving contact between surfaces.

How do skeletal and muscular systems relate with one another?

The muscles are connected to the bones. Without the bones, the muscles would fall down in a mass of mush, but without the muscles, the bones would not be able to make our bodies move. We would always stay still.