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In hotter water, if the viscosity lessens, the drag from the water will be less, but if the water becomes less dense, more of the hull will be in the water, increasing drag.

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4mo ago

A boat will typically go faster in cold water because cold water is denser than hot water, which reduces drag and allows the boat to move more efficiently through the water. Additionally, colder water can improve engine performance and result in higher speeds for the boat.

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Q: Will a boat go faster in cold water or hot water?
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Does cold water drain faster than hot water?

Yes, cold water can drain faster than hot water due to differences in viscosity and temperature affecting flow rates. However, the difference may be minimal and can also depend on factors such as pressure and pipe material.

Which hot or cold water will freeze faster?

In some cases, hot water can freeze faster than cold water due to the Mpemba effect. This phenomenon occurs because hot water can evaporate more quickly, which reduces the volume of the water and leads to faster cooling. However, there are many variables at play, so it is not a reliable method for freezing water quickly.

How long do it take for hot water to freeze?

The time it takes for hot water to freeze depends on factors such as the initial temperature of the hot water and the surrounding temperature. In general, hot water will freeze faster than cold water due to the Mpemba effect, which is the phenomenon where hot water freezes faster than cold water under certain conditions.

Does hot water get colder faster than cold water?

No, hot water does not cool down faster than cold water. In general, hot water will cool down at a slower rate than cold water due to the difference in initial temperature, but both will eventually reach the same temperature when left to cool in the same environment.

Why does cold water freeze fatser than hot water?

Cold water freezes faster than hot water due to the Mpemba effect, where the hot water can evaporate faster, losing heat energy that aids in the freezing process. Also, hot water tends to have more dissolved gases which can hinder freezing. Additionally, the water molecules in hot water have more kinetic energy, making it take longer to slow down and freeze compared to cold water molecules.

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Does a boat sink in hot warm or cold water faster?

It sinks faster in hot water than warm or cold

Does the boat sinks faster in hot water or cold water?

A boat will sink at the same rate regardless of the water temperature. The sinking rate is primarily determined by the density of the water and the weight of the boat.

Does Skittles dissolve faster in cold water or hot?

Probably hot water.

What can freeze faster hot water or cold water?

cold water

What causes sugar to dissolve faster in hot water than cold water?

hot water has faster moving particales than cold water

How hot water dissolves faster then cold water?

Hot water does not dissolve. Neither does "cold". And, the grammatically correct question would be "Hot does hot water dissolve faster than cooler water."

Are the cold and hot water can dissolve faster?

Solid chemicals are dissolved faster in hot water.

Which salt dissolves faster hot or cold water?

salt dissolve faster in hot water

What kills germs faster cold or hot water?

hot water

Does powdered juice dissolve better faster in hot or in cold water?

Powdered juice dissolves faster in hot water, but tastes better in cold water.

What plant dies faster with cold water or hot water?

either of the two will do...... i guess both cold and hot water makes plant die faster.

Can hot or cold water freeze faster?

Cold water freezes faster because hot water has to cool down to the freezing temperature before it can freeze.