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If dropped from the same height (a few meters), they would appear to hit the ground at the same time, according to the experiments of Galileo. However, this neglects air resistance on the Basketball, which will slow it down more and cause it to hit the ground later (very slightly later). The Baseball, which has a smaller area and therefore less air resistance, will hit the ground first.

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Assuming they are dropped at the same time from the same height, they will both reach the ground at the same time. This is due to the acceleration of gravity being the same for both objects.

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Q: Will a baseball or basketball reach the ground first?
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Which is faster to reach ground feather or ball in free fall?

Both the feather and the ball will reach the ground at the same time in a vacuum due to the acceleration due to gravity being constant for all objects. However, in the presence of air resistance, the feather will take longer to reach the ground compared to the ball due to its larger surface area and lighter weight.

If a stone and a pencil are dropped simultaneously in vacuum fron the same height which of two will reach the ground first?

In vacuum, both the stone and the pencil would fall at the same rate due to gravity and there would be no air resistance to affect their acceleration. Therefore, both the stone and the pencil would reach the ground at the same time.

Would a crumple paper ball or rectangular shape paper reach the ground?

Both the crumpled paper ball and the rectangular shape paper would reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height in a vacuum. This is because in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate due to gravity.

When You Drop An Object From A Certain Height It Takes Time T To Reach The Ground With No Air Resistance. If You Dropped It From Three Times That Height How Long Would It Take To Reach The Ground?

When an object is dropped from a certain height, the time it takes to reach the ground is independent of the height (assuming no air resistance). Therefore, whether you drop the object from three times the initial height or the original height, it will still take the same time (T) to reach the ground.

A student has two identical sheets of paper He crumples one into a small ball and drops the sheet of paper and the ball of paper off a building at the same time which will reach the ground first?

Both the crumpled paper ball and the flat sheet of paper will reach the ground at the same time. The difference in air resistance between the two objects is negligible compared to the force of gravity acting on them, so they will fall at the same rate.

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