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No, the balloons will not repel each other. Blowing air between the two balloons will create a breeze, but it will not generate enough force to cause the balloons to repel from each other.

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Q: Will a balloon repel if you blow a stream of air between two balloons that are next to each other?
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If one of the balloons has a mass of 0.084 kg with what acceleration does it move toward or away from the other balloon?

To calculate the acceleration of the balloon moving towards or away from the other balloon, we would need more information, such as the force between the two balloons or the distance between them. The acceleration would be determined by the net force acting on the balloon, according to Newton's second law (F = ma).

How do balloons get static electricity?

Balloons can accumulate static electricity when they rub against other surfaces, like clothing or hair. This friction transfers electrons between the balloon and the surface, resulting in a build-up of static charge on the balloon.

If you blow a stream of air between two balloons that are next to each other the balloons?

They draw closer together. The high speed air causes a partial vacuum, the relative pressure on the outside of the balloons pushes them closer together. This is principle by which an aeroplane wing works. It is called the Bernoulli principle.

Why do two balloons attract when rubbed on jeans?

Rubbing the balloons on jeans transfers electrons between them, creating a charge imbalance. One balloon becomes negatively charged while the other becomes positively charged. Opposite charges attract each other, leading to the balloons being drawn together.

What happens when you rub 2 balloons together with felt?

Rubbing two balloons together with felt will create static electricity. The friction between the balloons and the felt causes the transfer of electrons, resulting in one balloon becoming positively charged and the other negatively charged. As a result, the balloons will either repel or attract each other due to their opposite charges.

Related questions

What is the difference between a water balloon and a normal balloon?

A water balloon is filled with water, and other balloons are filled with air or helium.

If one of the balloons has a mass of 0.084 kg with what acceleration does it move toward or away from the other balloon?

To calculate the acceleration of the balloon moving towards or away from the other balloon, we would need more information, such as the force between the two balloons or the distance between them. The acceleration would be determined by the net force acting on the balloon, according to Newton's second law (F = ma).

How do balloons get static electricity?

Balloons can accumulate static electricity when they rub against other surfaces, like clothing or hair. This friction transfers electrons between the balloon and the surface, resulting in a build-up of static charge on the balloon.

If you blow a stream of air between two balloons that are next to each other the balloons?

They draw closer together. The high speed air causes a partial vacuum, the relative pressure on the outside of the balloons pushes them closer together. This is principle by which an aeroplane wing works. It is called the Bernoulli principle.

When a charged balloon placed near a stream of water it attracts to it . but when you do it again the stream of water repel the charged balloon?

This effect occurs due to the polarization of the water molecules. Initially, the balloon causes the water molecules to align in such a way that the positive side is attracted to the balloon. Upon repetition, this alignment can reverse, leading to a repelling force between the balloon and the stream of water.

What happened if the two balloons clip at both ends of the clothes hanger then pricking one balloon?

what happen to the clothes hanger if you clip balloons on each side then pricked one balloon on the other side

Why do two balloons attract when rubbed on jeans?

Rubbing the balloons on jeans transfers electrons between them, creating a charge imbalance. One balloon becomes negatively charged while the other becomes positively charged. Opposite charges attract each other, leading to the balloons being drawn together.

In terms of electrical explain why the balloons repelled each other?

The balloons repelled each other due to the principles of electrostatics. When the balloons are rubbed against an object like hair or wool, they become charged with static electricity. As a result, they acquire the same type of charge (either positive or negative), causing them to repel each other due to like charges repelling.

What type of electricity is produced by rubbing two balloons together?

Static electricity is produced when two balloons are rubbed together. This occurs due to the transfer of electrons from one balloon to the other, creating a build-up of static charge on the surface of the balloons.

Where do balloons comes from?

Balloon factories. What were you expecting, "When a Mommy balloon and a Daddy balloon love each other very much..." ? NO! That is just wrong! Balloons can not do that obviously! They come from ballon factories in California. Sometimes they can also be made in different kinds of factories. Now, THAT is the right answer!

What are attachted to the yellow balloons in animal crossing wild world?

If its a yellow balloon, its a regular present like the other balloons. But if the balloon is gold and it has a tool box attached its a golden slingshot. Glad I could help!

What are balloon made of?

It depends on the balloon. They are usually made out of rubber. Mylar is also a common material, and the mylar balloons often contain aluminum. If you mean hot air balloons, they are made out of cloth and other materials.