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A small recorder (such as a treble) - has a smaller slot where the sound is produced. This makes the instrument produce higher note than in a tenor recorder - which has a larger slot producing lower notes.

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1mo ago

A smaller recorder may be more expensive than a larger one due to the compact design and advanced technology that allows for better sound quality, longer battery life, and additional features. The smaller size may also make the recorder more portable and easier to use in various settings, contributing to its higher price.

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Q: Why would a small recorder be higher than a big one?
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Do bigger things have a greater gravitational force than small things?

Yes, objects with greater mass have a stronger gravitational force. The force of gravity is directly proportional to the mass of the objects involved. So, bigger things with more mass will have a greater gravitational force compared to smaller things.

Which ball bounce higher a big ball medium ball or small ball?

All other factors being equal, the small ball will bounce higher than the big ball because it has less mass and therefore experiences less resistance from the ground when it collides. This allows the small ball to rebound more easily and reach a higher height.

Why do small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls?

Small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls because they are made from materials with higher elasticity, allowing them to store and release more energy during impact. Their size and lightweight also contribute to their increased bounce height as they experience less air resistance.

What will bounce higher then a rubber ball?

A superball or a bouncy ball with higher elasticity than a rubber ball would likely bounce higher due to their ability to store and release more kinetic energy upon impact.

Some differences between a recorder and a flute?

A recorder is a woodwind instrument with a whistle mouthpiece and finger holes, while a flute is a woodwind instrument with a metal mouthpiece called a head joint and key system. Recorders have a more limited range and volume compared to flutes, which can play a wider range of pitches and dynamics. The embouchure technique for playing each instrument is also different.

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