

Why will an soda can float or sink?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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14y ago

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A soda can will sink if it is filled with liquid because the overall density of the can plus the liquid is greater than the density of water. However, if the can is empty or filled with air, it will float as the overall density is less than that of water.

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If you have a Non Diet Soda and a Diet Soda the Diet Soda will float because it is less dense (use aluminum if you can) Since water has the density of 1, any thing with the density smaller than water will float. Anything more than 1 will sink. Occasionally, you may come across something that will be suspended somewhere in the middle.

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A raisin will float the fastest on regular soda, followed by diet soda, and then carbonated water. This is because regular soda has the highest sugar content which makes it the most buoyant, while carbonated water has the least amount of sugar.

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