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In a floating object, the weight of the object is balanced by the buoyant force exerted by the fluid it displaces. This equilibrium occurs because the weight of the object is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces, resulting in a net force of zero and causing the object to float.

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Q: Why the forces in a floating are balanced?
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What two forces are acting on an object floating in water draw the diagram and show the forces?

When an object is floating in water, two forces are acting on it: buoyant force and gravitational force. The buoyant force is an upward force exerted by the water that supports the weight of the object, keeping it afloat. The gravitational force pulls the object downward towards the center of the Earth. The object remains in equilibrium when these two forces are balanced, leading to a state of floating.

When a pair of balanced forces acts on an object the ne force that result is?

When a pair of balanced forces acts on an object, the net force that results is zero. This means that the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in no change in the object's motion.

If there are two equal and opposite forces on something you say the forces are?

If there are two equal and opposite forces acting on an object, these forces are in equilibrium. This means that the forces are balanced and there will be no change in the object's motion.

What is the total force of two balanced forces?

The total force of two balanced forces is zero. This is because the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, causing them to cancel each other out.

What effect do balanced forces have on the motion of objects?

Balanced forces do not change the motion of an object; they keep the object at a constant velocity or at rest. When the forces are balanced, there is no acceleration or change in speed or direction.

Related questions

What forces are at work on a floating object are they balanced?

Remember Newton's Second Law! If the object is not accelerating, then of course they are balanced.The main forces are: 1) gravity pulling downward, the fluid in which it is floating pushing upward.

What two forces are acting on an object floating in water draw the diagram and show the forces?

When an object is floating in water, two forces are acting on it: buoyant force and gravitational force. The buoyant force is an upward force exerted by the water that supports the weight of the object, keeping it afloat. The gravitational force pulls the object downward towards the center of the Earth. The object remains in equilibrium when these two forces are balanced, leading to a state of floating.

When a pair of balanced forces acts on an object the ne force that result is?

When a pair of balanced forces acts on an object, the net force that results is zero. This means that the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in no change in the object's motion.

If there are two equal and opposite forces on something you say the forces are?

If there are two equal and opposite forces acting on an object, these forces are in equilibrium. This means that the forces are balanced and there will be no change in the object's motion.

What is the total force of two balanced forces?

The total force of two balanced forces is zero. This is because the forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, causing them to cancel each other out.

What if the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces in terms of motion?

Unbalanced forces is when the forces are 0N or more. Balanced forces are 0.

What effect do balanced forces have on the motion of objects?

Balanced forces do not change the motion of an object; they keep the object at a constant velocity or at rest. When the forces are balanced, there is no acceleration or change in speed or direction.

Are the forces on a car unbalanced or balanced?


What are balanced forces equivalent to?

A balanced group of forces has the same effect as no force at all.

Balanced forces acting on an object do not change the object's what?

Balanced forces acting on an object do not change the object's velocity.

Are any the forces acting on the freezer balanced?

If the freezer is stationary, the forces acting on it are likely balanced. The gravitational force pulling it downward is likely balanced by the normal force exerted by the floor, as well as any frictional forces that may oppose its motion. If the freezer is accelerating or moving, the forces may not be balanced.

Two forces that cancel each other out?

When two forces cancel each other out, they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This results in a net force of zero and no change in the object's motion. An example is a book resting on a table where the force of gravity pulling it down is balanced by the normal force of the table pushing it up.