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Shorter wavelengths allow for greater detail to be resolved because they interact with smaller structures and features on the object being observed. As the wavelength decreases, the resolution increases because the diffraction limit is reduced, allowing for sharper images to be produced. This relationship is described by the Rayleigh criterion, which states that the resolution of an optical system is directly proportional to the wavelength of the light being used.

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Q: Why shorter the wavelength greater the resolution?
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Which colour of visible light would give the best resolution in a microscope?

Blue light provides the best resolution in a microscope because of its shorter wavelength compared to other colors in the visible light spectrum. The shorter wavelength allows for greater detail and resolution when viewing microscopic specimens.

Why is a blue filter used on a microscopes?

blue light has a shorter wavelength = better resolution

Does resolution decreases when the wavelength of the illumitating light decreases?

No, resolution does not decrease when the wavelength of the illuminating light decreases. In fact, shorter wavelengths of light can improve resolution in microscopy by enabling higher magnification and reducing the diffraction limit.

The wavelength of light used plus the numerical aperature governs?

the resolution of an optical system. Shorter wavelengths and higher numerical apertures result in higher resolution, allowing for sharper images with greater detail. It is important to select the appropriate combination of wavelength and numerical aperture based on the specific requirements of the application.

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The meaning of a high frequency wave is a shorter wavelength.For electromagnetic waves in general (including light):* At greater frequencies, you get shorter wavelengths.* At greater frequencies, you get more energy per photon.

True or false the farther apart waves are the greater their wavelength?

True. Waves with a greater wavelength will have a longer distance between each wave crest compared to waves with a shorter wavelength.

Do light microscopes allow us to observe specimens in greater detail than electron microscopes?

No, electron microscopes provide higher resolution and magnification than light microscopes, allowing for observation of specimens in greater detail. This is due to the shorter wavelength of electrons compared to light, which results in higher magnification and resolution.

How does energy relate to?

Energy is inversely proportional to wavelength: the shorter the wavelength (X-rays, gamma rays) the greater the energy.

How do magnification and resolution compare between electron and light microscopes.?

Electron microscopes have higher magnification and resolution compared to light microscopes. Electron microscopes use electrons to create an image, allowing for much greater magnification and resolution due to the shorter wavelength of electrons compared to visible light used in light microscopes.

The shorter the wavelength of visible light means what?

A shorter wavelength of visible light corresponds to higher energy and a bluer color, while a longer wavelength corresponds to lower energy and a redder color.

How determine penetrating power of X-ray?

Wavelength. The shorter the wave (= the higher the frequency) the greater the penetration.

Does infrared or ultraviolet have the shorter wavelength?

Ultraviolet light has a shorter wavelength than infrared light.