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A wooden puck on a wooden floor has a lower coefficient of friction compared to a rubber puck because the surfaces have similar materials, causing less resistance. Additionally, the wooden puck can have a smoother surface, leading to less friction between the two materials.

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Q: Why might a wooden hockey puck on a wooden floor have a different frictional force than a rubber puck?
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What surface would have the largest frictional force to resist the motion of a wooden block?

A rough surface with a lot of friction, like sandpaper or a rubber surface, would create the largest frictional force to resist the motion of a wooden block. Smooth surfaces have less friction and would not resist the motion as much.

What would bounce higher if dropped at the same height a wooden ball or rubber ball?

The rubber ball would bounce higher than the wooden ball when dropped at the same height. Rubber is an elastic material that can store and release more energy upon impact compared to wood, resulting in a higher bounce.

Is it easy to stop a rubber ball then a wooden ball of same size moving with the same speed?

It is generally easier to stop a rubber ball moving at the same speed as a wooden ball of the same size, due to the rubber ball's elasticity and ability to deform upon impact, absorbing some of the energy. The wooden ball, being more rigid, would transfer more energy upon impact, making it more difficult to stop.

Why is it easy to stop a rubber ball than wooden ball with same speed and size?

The rubber ball will compress upon impact, absorbing some of the energy and reducing the bounce-back effect. This makes it easier to stop compared to a wooden ball, which is more rigid and will bounce back with more force due to its inability to compress.

Why It is easy to stop a rubber ball than a wooden ball of same size moving with the same speed. Explain?

Rubber is more elastic than wood, so it can absorb and dissipate the kinetic energy of the moving ball more effectively, causing it to come to a stop more easily. The rubber ball will deform upon impact, while the wooden ball is more rigid and will retain its shape, resulting in a greater rebound effect and less energy dissipation.

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What is ball control in hockey?

hockey using a rubber or wooden ball of some sort.

What surface would have the largest frictional force to resist the motion of a wooden block?

A rough surface with a lot of friction, like sandpaper or a rubber surface, would create the largest frictional force to resist the motion of a wooden block. Smooth surfaces have less friction and would not resist the motion as much.

What is in a wooden hockey stick?


What was the first hockey puck made out of?

The first pucks were made of whatever the players could find! They usually played with stones or coal, but sometimes played with frozen horse or cow droppings. They would even play with the baked potatoes that their mothers would put in their skates to keep them warm. Wooden pucks were also used, but rubber pucks weren't used until the late 1880's.

What fall sport is played with wooden sticks and a small ball?

The answer is baseball,kroka and many wooden and ball sports if only football had sticks also hockey kind of

Can you use a plastic blade in ice hockey?

No. Ice Hockey is meant to be played with wooden or aluminum blades.

How much does a wooden hockey stick weigh?

Too much

How wooden hockey sticks are made?

they are made out of wood and then the cycle begains

What type of wood is used for wooden ice hockey sticks?

hickory and ash

What was hockey like in 1950?

wooden sticks no helments 6 nhl teams

Do professional hockey players use sticks with plastic ends?

No, Professional hockey players use wooden sticks or carbon composite one piece sticks and wooden sticks in the pros are becoming very rare as well.

Would a wooden ball bounce higher or a rubber ball bounce higher if dropped from the same height?

rubber ball