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The atmosphere is referred to as a fluid because it behaves like a fluid in many ways. It can flow and circulate, has viscosity, and can exert pressure on surfaces. Additionally, it can transport heat and moisture through convection and advection processes.

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Q: Why is the atmosphere referred to as a fluid?
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When the flow of fluid around an odject is smooth and uniform it is referred to as?

Laminar flow. This type of fluid flow involves layers of fluid flowing parallel to each other in an orderly manner without mixing or turbulence.

What is resistance to aerodynamic flow referred to?

Resistance to aerodynamic flow is referred to as drag. This force acts opposite to the direction of an object's motion through a fluid (such as air) and is caused by the object's shape, speed, and the properties of the fluid. Drag can be minimized through design optimization and streamlined shapes.

What is a loopty loop wave called?

A loop or circular wave is commonly referred to as a "whorl" in oceanography or "eddy" in fluid dynamics. These waves form due to the rotational motion of water or air within a fluid medium.

What is happening during convection answer sheet?

During convection, heat is transferred through a fluid (such as air or water) when warmer, less dense fluid rises and cooler, denser fluid sinks. This creates a circular motion that helps distribute heat throughout the fluid. Convection is an important mechanism for transferring heat in the atmosphere, oceans, and inside our homes.

What method of heat transfer plays a central role in transferring heat energy within the atmosphere and the ocean?

Convection is the primary method of heat transfer within the atmosphere and ocean. It involves the movement of fluid (air or water) due to density differences caused by temperature variations. As fluid moves, heat is transferred from warmer regions to cooler regions.

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What are circulating currents in a fluid called?

Circulating currents in a fluid are commonly referred to as convection currents. These currents arise due to the movement of the fluid caused by temperature differences, which lead to the transfer of heat within the fluid. Convection currents play a significant role in processes like ocean currents and the movement of air in the atmosphere.

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What is the amount of heat energy in the earths atmosphere referred to as?

the altitude

Which is another word for liquid?

A liquid can also be referred to as a fluid.

Why is the cell model referred to as the fluid mosaic model?

it is? lol

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What do you call an absence of atmosphere?

An absence of atmosphere is typically referred to as a vacuum. This means there is no air or gases present in that particular space.

Changes in the earth's atmosphere over a short period of time are referred to as?

Short-term changes in the Earth's atmosphere are referred to as weather. Weather describes the current state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation over a brief period, typically hours to days.

Why is Earths atmosphere a fluid?

Earth's atmosphere is considered a fluid because its gases can flow and move freely, much like a liquid. It exhibits properties of a fluid, such as the ability to be compressed, flow around objects, and transmit pressure. This fluid nature allows for weather systems to form and for the atmosphere to circulate around the planet.