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Oil is less dense than water due to its molecular structure, which includes long hydrocarbon chains that are less tightly packed compared to the molecules in water. Viscosity is higher in oil because the molecules in oil have stronger intermolecular forces that resist flow, while water molecules can move past each other more easily.

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Q: Why is oil less dense than water but has higher viscosity?
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How are density and viscosity related?

Density and viscosity are related in that materials with higher density typically have higher viscosity. This is because density is a measure of mass per unit volume, and viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. More densely packed molecules in a substance can create more friction and resistance, resulting in higher viscosity.

How is viscosity and density related?

Viscosity is the thickness or thiness of a fluid, Density is the space between particles.When a fluid is heated, it becomes less viscous(thinner) and the particles move far apart so it is less dense. Temprature affects density and viscosity.Something that is dense doesn't have to be viscous and vice versa.EX: Salt water is dense but not viscous.Honey is very viscous but not very dense

Does water viscosity changes with pressure?

The viscosity of water typically decreases with increasing pressure. At higher pressures, water molecules are pushed closer together, reducing the friction between them and making the water less viscous.

What liquid is less viscous yet heavier than water?

Mercury is a liquid that is less viscous but heavier than water. Mercury is a dense liquid metal at room temperature, making it heavier than water, which is less viscous than water due to its lower viscosity.

What is less dense than water at 4 degrees Celsius?

At 4 degrees Celsius, ice is less dense than water. This is due to the unique crystal structure of ice that causes it to occupy more space, making it less dense than liquid water.

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Is turpentine thicker or thinner that water?

Turpentine is thinner than water; it is less dense and has a lower viscosity, making it flow more easily.

How are density and viscosity related?

Density and viscosity are related in that materials with higher density typically have higher viscosity. This is because density is a measure of mass per unit volume, and viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. More densely packed molecules in a substance can create more friction and resistance, resulting in higher viscosity.

How is viscosity and density related?

Viscosity is the thickness or thiness of a fluid, Density is the space between particles.When a fluid is heated, it becomes less viscous(thinner) and the particles move far apart so it is less dense. Temprature affects density and viscosity.Something that is dense doesn't have to be viscous and vice versa.EX: Salt water is dense but not viscous.Honey is very viscous but not very dense

Do hotter liquids have more or less viscosity than colder liquids?

Cold water has higher viscosity than Hot water, take note that, as the temperature of fluid increases, viscosity decreases.

What is less dense water basalt iron or granite?

Water is less dense than any of the other materials listed.In order of density from least to highest:Water (least dense)GraniteBasaltIron (most dense)

Do ships float higher or lower in tropical waters?

higher Because... temperature affects the level as warm water provides less bouyancy, being less dense than cold water. The salinity of water also affects the level, fresh water being less dense than salty water

What has a lower viscosity water or air?

Water has a higher viscosity than air. This means water is thicker and more resistant to flow, while air is less resistant and flows more easily.

Is hot water less dense than cold water?

Yes, because the higher the temperature, the faster and more spread out the molecules, therefore making hot water less dense than cold water.

How can you determine whether a soild object is more dense or less dense than water?

Drop the object into a container of water - if it sinks, the object is more dense than water. If it floats, the object is less dense than water.

Does water viscosity changes with pressure?

The viscosity of water typically decreases with increasing pressure. At higher pressures, water molecules are pushed closer together, reducing the friction between them and making the water less viscous.

If a substance is viscous is it denser than a less viscous liquid?

Not necessarily. Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow, which is related to its internal friction. Density, on the other hand, is a measure of mass per unit volume. A more viscous liquid can be denser or less dense than a less viscous liquid, depending on their compositions.

Is very salty water more or less dense than less salt water?

Very salty water is more dense than water with less salt because the dissolved salt molecules increase the mass of the water. This higher density causes the salty water to sink below less salty water.