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Because it's not necessary for objects to be in contact (touching)

in order to feel the magnetic force between them.

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Ambrose Krajcik

Lvl 13
2y ago
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3mo ago

Magnetic force is a non-contact force because it does not require physical contact between the magnetic objects to exert a force on each other. This force is a result of the interaction between the magnetic fields of the objects, which can act over a distance without the need for direct contact.

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Q: Why is magnetic force a non contact force?
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Is magnetic force is contact or non contact?

Magnetic force is a non-contact force.

Is magnetic force a non-contact force?

It is a non-contact force :)

Is magnetic contact or non contact?

It is a non-contact force :)

Is magnetic force an example of contact force?

No, magnetic force is a non-contact force that acts at a distance between objects with magnetic properties. It does not require direct contact between the objects to exert a force.

What type of force is magnetic force?

Magnetic force is a non-contact force that acts on magnetic materials or moving charges. It is a fundamental force of nature that can attract or repel objects based on their magnetic properties.

What is a non contact force that is created by the movement of an electrical charge?

A magnetic force is a non-contact force that is created by the movement of an electrical charge. When an electric current flows through a conductor, it generates a magnetic field around it, causing a magnetic force to act on nearby objects.

Is the force between two magnets contact or non-contact force?

The force between two magnets is a non-contact force known as a magnetic force. It can act at a distance without the need for physical contact between the magnets.

Do gravitational force is in the non contact forces?

yes, its one of the 3 non-contact forces generally see. the ther both are magnetic force and electrostatic force

What are contact and and non contact forces?

A non-contact force is any force applied to an object by another body that is not in direct contact with it. The most common example of a non-contact force is gravity. A non-contact force is different from a contact force, which is a force applied to a body by another body that is in contact with it. However it is to be noted that the origin of all contact forces can be traced to non-contact forcesIn physics, a contact force is a force between two objects (or an object and a surface) that are in contact with each other. This is distinct from a non-contact force, or action-at-a-distance force (a force that acts over a distance), such as gravity or magnetic attraction/repulsion.

What is a none contact force?

A non-contact force is a force that acts at a distance without physical contact between objects. Examples include gravity, electromagnetic forces, and magnetic forces. These forces can influence objects from a distance without direct touching.

What is the definition of non-contact forces?

Non-contact forces are forces that can act on an object from a distance without physical contact. These forces include gravitational forces, magnetic forces, and electrostatic forces.

What are the general character of non contact force's?

Non-contact forces do not require physical contact between objects to act. Examples include gravitational force, electrostatic force, and magnetic force. These forces can act over a distance and do not require direct contact between the objects involved.