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It is impossible due to the principle of energy conservation, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. Therefore, any machine or system will always output less energy than the amount of energy put into it. This limitation is known as the efficiency of the machine.

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Q: Why is it impossible for a machine to give you more energy output than the amount of energy put into it?
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Why will you never get more work out of a machine than you put into it?

This is known as the principle of conservation of energy, where the total amount of energy put into a machine is equal to the total amount of work the machine can output. Due to factors like friction and heat, some input energy is always lost, making it impossible to get more work out of the machine than what was initially put in.

What is a comparison of a machines work input and work output?

mechanical efficiency

Why is it impossible for the output work of a machine to be greater than the machine's input work?

The output work of a machine can never be greater than the input work because of the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. Any energy input into a machine must be accounted for in the output work, so the output work cannot exceed the input work.

What do you need to know to calculate the efficiency of a machine?

To calculate the efficiency of a machine, you need to know the amount of useful work output produced by the machine and the amount of total energy input supplied to the machine. Efficiency is calculated by dividing the useful work output by the total energy input and multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage.

What is Machine with 100 efficiency?

A machine with 100% efficiency would output the exact same amount of energy it takes in, without any losses. This would mean that all the input energy is successfully converted into useful work output. However, achieving 100% efficiency in practice is impossible due to factors such as friction, heat loss, and other inefficiencies.

Related questions

Why will you never get more work out of a machine than you put into it?

This is known as the principle of conservation of energy, where the total amount of energy put into a machine is equal to the total amount of work the machine can output. Due to factors like friction and heat, some input energy is always lost, making it impossible to get more work out of the machine than what was initially put in.

What is a comparison of a machines work input and work output?

mechanical efficiency

Why is it impossible for the output work of a machine to be greater than the machine's input work?

The output work of a machine can never be greater than the input work because of the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. Any energy input into a machine must be accounted for in the output work, so the output work cannot exceed the input work.

What do you need to know to calculate the efficiency of a machine?

To calculate the efficiency of a machine, you need to know the amount of useful work output produced by the machine and the amount of total energy input supplied to the machine. Efficiency is calculated by dividing the useful work output by the total energy input and multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage.

What is Machine with 100 efficiency?

A machine with 100% efficiency would output the exact same amount of energy it takes in, without any losses. This would mean that all the input energy is successfully converted into useful work output. However, achieving 100% efficiency in practice is impossible due to factors such as friction, heat loss, and other inefficiencies.

Explain why the amount of work that a machine does is less than the amount put into the machine?

The amount of work that a machine does is less than the input work due to energy losses in the form of friction, heat, and inefficiencies in the machine's operation. These losses result in some of the input work being dissipated and not translating fully into useful output work performed by the machine.

Can you make the work output of a machine greater than the work?

No, the work output of a machine cannot be greater than the work input. According to the law of conservation of energy, the total amount of energy remains constant in an isolated system, meaning the work output of a machine cannot exceed the work input.

How is the efficiency of a compound machine calculated?

The efficiency of a compound machine is calculated by dividing the output work of the machine by the input work. Mathematically, it can be expressed as Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100%. It gives a measure of how well the machine converts input work into useful output work.

Can you make work output on a machine greater than work input?

No, it is impossible to have work output greater than work input because of the conservation of energy principle, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Therefore, the work output of a machine will always be less than or equal to the work input.

What comparison of work the machine does with energy it uses to do the work?

The work done by a machine is directly related to the amount of energy it uses. Machines convert the input energy into work output, with the efficiency of this conversion determined by factors such as friction, heat losses, and mechanical losses within the machine. The more efficient the machine, the more work can be accomplished with the same amount of energy.

Why does reducing the friction of a machine increase it's efficiency?

Reducing friction in a machine decreases the amount of energy lost as heat, making the machine more efficient. This means that more of the input energy is converted into useful work or output, increasing the overall efficiency of the machine.

The amount of work done by a machine is called?

Its output.