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A neutron is smaller and has no charge, so it is able to penetrate to the nucleus far better than an alpha particle (which is larger in size, and has a charge that is repelled by the nucleus). So the neutron is more able to cause critical instability and fission the nucleus.

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Uranium-235 undergoes fission more easily with neutrons compared to alpha particles because neutrons are electrically neutral, allowing them to penetrate the nucleus of uranium-235 without being repelled by the positive charge. On the other hand, alpha particles are positively charged and experience electrostatic repulsion from the positively charged nucleus of uranium-235, making it harder for them to induce fission.

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Q: Why is it eaier to fission uranium 235 with neutrons than alpha particles?
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Describe the nature of the emitted particles in Uranium?

Uranium emits alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays as it undergoes radioactive decay. Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons, beta particles are either electrons or positrons, and gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation. These emissions are a result of the instability of uranium isotopes as they transform into more stable forms.

What gives off alpha particles?

Radioactive materials such as uranium, radium, and plutonium give off alpha particles during radioactive decay. These particles consist of two protons and two neutrons and have low penetration power, making them easily blocked by materials like paper or skin.

Are alpha rays neutrons?

Alpha particles are helium nuclei -- each particle is composed of two protons and two neutrons. A stream of alpha particles may be called a ray, although as it is not electromagnetic radiation that is probably inaccurate.

Which naturally occurring radioactive particle is the largest?

Alpha particles are the same size as a helium nucleus and are made up of 2 protons and two neutrons. They have no electrons so an alpha particle has a +2 charge

How is helium form by placing an alpha particle emitter into a jar?

When an alpha particle emitter, such as uranium or thorium, emits an alpha particle, it consists of two protons and two neutrons. When this particle encounters a helium nucleus inside the jar, which also contains two protons and two neutrons, they can combine to form a helium atom. This process results in the formation of helium within the jar.

Related questions

How many radiations are emitted by uranium?

Uranium emits three types of radiation: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Each type has different characteristics, penetration abilities, and levels of energy.

What were the rays emanating from uranium?

* Alpha rays (particles) * Beta rays * Gamma rays * Spontaneous fission neutrons

Does uranium give of invisible rays?

Yes, uranium isotopes emit alpha particles, gamma rays, beta rays, spontaneous fission neutrons.

What are the harmful rays radiated from uranium?

Principally alpha particles, but also gamma rays, neutrons from the spontaneous fission, etc.

What kind of rays does uranium 235 and plutonium 239 release?

Uranium-235 and plutonium-239 release alpha, beta, and gamma rays during the process of radioactive decay. Alpha particles are helium nuclei, beta particles are high-energy electrons or positrons, and gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation.

How much radiation does uranium give off?

Uranium emits ionizing radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. The amount of radiation emitted depends on the specific isotope of uranium and its decay products present. Exposure to uranium's radiation can pose health risks, so it is important to handle it safely and follow proper precautions when working with it.

Describe the nature of the emitted particles in Uranium?

Uranium emits alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays as it undergoes radioactive decay. Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons, beta particles are either electrons or positrons, and gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation. These emissions are a result of the instability of uranium isotopes as they transform into more stable forms.

What is the appreciable radioactivity of uranium is mainly due to m?

The appreciable radioactivity of uranium is mainly due to the isotope uranium-238 (U-238). U-238 is a naturally occurring isotope that undergoes alpha decay, emitting alpha particles and transforming into thorium-234.

Does Uranium 238 and 235 release neutrons in nature as they do in a fission process?

Uranium-238 and Uranium-235 do not release neutrons spontaneously in nature in the same way they do during a fission process. Neutrons are typically required to initiate the fission process in nuclear reactions. In natural settings, radioactive decay processes such as alpha and beta decay occur in uranium isotopes, but not neutron release.

What type of radiation is released during the decay of californium?

Alpha particles and neutrons fron spontaneous fission

Is the helium nucleus a byproduct of fission?

No, the helium nucleus, also called an alpha particle, is not a byproduct of fission. Alpha particles are commonly emitted during processes such as radioactive decay or in fusion reactions. Fission typically produces lighter elements, such as fragments of uranium or plutonium nuclei.

What is the type of radioactive decay in which positive particles are given off?

Alpha decay is the type of radioactive decay in which positive particles, specifically alpha particles, are emitted. These alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together, giving them a positive charge.