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because it doesn't pollute, there aren't any leftovers of the process it uses the force of pressure and gravity to move the turbines to produce electricity.

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it generates no air pollutants and is very efficient.

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3mo ago

Hydroelectric power is considered clean energy because it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or other air pollutants during electricity generation. It relies on flowing water to generate electricity, which is a renewable and sustainable energy source. Additionally, hydroelectric power plants have a long lifespan and can provide consistent energy supply.

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Q: Why is hydroelectric power considered clean energy?
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Why is water fall electric energy?

Waterfall electric energy is generated through hydroelectric power plants by harnessing the kinetic energy of falling water. This energy is converted into electricity through turbines connected to generators, producing a renewable and clean source of power. Hydroelectric power is considered sustainable and eco-friendly as it relies on the natural water cycle.

Electricity produced by the kinetic energy of moving water?

This is known as hydroelectric power. It involves capturing the energy from moving water, typically rivers or waterfalls, and converting it into electricity using turbines connected to generators. Hydroelectric power is a renewable source of energy and is considered clean and efficient.

What is the energy flowing water?

The energy obtained from flowing water is called hydroelectric energy. It is produced by converting the kinetic energy of moving water into electricity using hydroelectric power plants. This renewable energy source is clean and sustainable.

What is energy from moving water?

Energy from moving water, also known as hydrokinetic energy, is a renewable energy resource that harnesses the kinetic energy of flowing water to generate electricity. This can be achieved through technologies such as hydroelectric dams, tidal turbines, and wave energy converters. Hydrokinetic energy is considered a clean and sustainable source of power with minimal environmental impact.

What is clean energy?

Clean energy refers to energy sources that produce little to no air pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. This includes renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power, as well as nuclear power which produces low carbon emissions. Clean energy is considered more environmentally friendly and sustainable compared to traditional fossil fuels.

Related questions

Does hydroelectric energy pollute?

While a little rust from the turbines is released it is general considered a clean source of power.

What is hydroelectric energy or hydroelectric power?

hydroelectric energy is energy that comes from water

What is the main advantage of hydroelectric power?

It is clean energy that is sustainable indefinitely and has little impact on the environment.

Why is water fall electric energy?

Waterfall electric energy is generated through hydroelectric power plants by harnessing the kinetic energy of falling water. This energy is converted into electricity through turbines connected to generators, producing a renewable and clean source of power. Hydroelectric power is considered sustainable and eco-friendly as it relies on the natural water cycle.

Why are hydroelectric power and wind power called clean energy?

Because neither burns fossil fuel to create energy, and neither causes pollution.

How is hydroelectric power is a usable energy?

hydroelectric power is an important for producing the power in the low loss of is nothing but producing the we can easily produce the power from hydroelectric power plant.

How is Geothermal and Hydroelectric alike?

Geothermal and hydroelectric power both generate electricity from renewable sources. They are clean energy technologies that produce minimal greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels. Both energy sources rely on natural processes to generate power and are considered sustainable options for the future.

Electricity produced by the kinetic energy of moving water?

This is known as hydroelectric power. It involves capturing the energy from moving water, typically rivers or waterfalls, and converting it into electricity using turbines connected to generators. Hydroelectric power is a renewable source of energy and is considered clean and efficient.

What is the energy flowing water?

The energy obtained from flowing water is called hydroelectric energy. It is produced by converting the kinetic energy of moving water into electricity using hydroelectric power plants. This renewable energy source is clean and sustainable.

What is energy from moving water?

Energy from moving water, also known as hydrokinetic energy, is a renewable energy resource that harnesses the kinetic energy of flowing water to generate electricity. This can be achieved through technologies such as hydroelectric dams, tidal turbines, and wave energy converters. Hydrokinetic energy is considered a clean and sustainable source of power with minimal environmental impact.

How are geothermal and hydroelectric energy similar?

they both use turbines to produce electricity

What is clean energy?

Clean energy refers to energy sources that produce little to no air pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. This includes renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power, as well as nuclear power which produces low carbon emissions. Clean energy is considered more environmentally friendly and sustainable compared to traditional fossil fuels.