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Gravity and radiation are not really opposites. Gravity is a force that attracts objects with mass towards each other, while radiation refers to the emission of energy in the form of waves or particles. They are distinct phenomena that operate independently of each other in nature.

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Q: Why is gravity the opposite of radiation?
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What is the opposite of electromagnetic radiation?

The opposite of electromagnetic radiation would be a lack of electromagnetic radiation, which would be a vacuum or absence of any electromagnetic waves.

Could gravity be the opposite and equal reaction to the light emitted by the sun?

No, gravity is a fundamental force that exists between objects with mass, causing attraction towards each other. Light emitted by the sun is a form of electromagnetic radiation and does not generate gravity.

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Is gravity the opposite of inertia?

No, gravity is not the opposite of inertia. Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards each other, while inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion.

What word means the opposite of gravity?

The opposite of gravity is levity. Levity refers to lightness or lack of seriousness, and is often used in a metaphorical sense to describe a buoyant or carefree attitude.

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What has the author I E Craig written?

I. E. Craig has written: 'Radiation, a function of gravity' -- subject(s): Radiation

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The opposite of the verb to lift is to lower.The opposite force factor, opposing aerodynamic lift, is weight. (gravity)

What of particles does gravity affect?

Gravity effects anything that has mass, period. This includes electromagnetic radiation. Even light bends in space because of gravity.

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Big planets has a strong gravity. In small planets it's opposite

What is the atomic force that attracts the opposite?

Love or gravity. Not sure.

How is light and Radiation connected?

Light is a form of radiation. Radiation is an emanation of energy from a body, that can pass through a vacuum unaffected. it travels in a straight line, and is only slightly affected by gravity. A black hole obviously will, with its massive gravity well, affect all forms of light and radiation. Heat, light particles (photons) and radiation particles (alpha, beta, and gamma) are all forms of radiation, among other more exotic forms.